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[51]Qiu, Yu, Yang, Dechao, Liu, Guoqiang, Ji, Jiuyu, Xin, Lin, Jianfang, Lang, Ye, Li, Fei, Han, Shijun, Zhang, Heqiu, Hu, Lizhong, Wang, Lina, Bin, Y (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys & Optoelect Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Improving the quality of Schottky contacts on ZnO microwires using Cu-contained silver paste el...[J],MICRO & NANO LETTERS,2012,7(6):592-595
[52]胡礼中, 张贺秋.Effect of Substrate Temperature on the Structural and Raman Properties of[J],CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,2012,29(1):173021-173023
[53]张贺秋, 胡礼中.ZnO纳米线/p+-Si异质结二极管电学特性的研究[J],中国科技论文在线,2012,1(1):1-2
[54]Wang, L. N., Hu, L. Z., Zhang, H. Q., Qiu, Y., Lang, Liu, G. Q., Ji, J. Y., Ma, J. X., Zhao, Z. W., HQ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys & Optoelect Technol, Key Lab Micro Nano Technol & Syst Liaoning Prov, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Studying the Raman spectra of Ag doped ZnO films grown by PLD[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,2011,14(3-4):274-277
[55]Wang L., Hu L., Zhang H., Qiu Y., Lang Y., Liu G., Qu G., Ji J., Ma J.X..Photoluminescence and Raman analysis of ZnO microwires synthesized by chemical vapour deposition[A],2011,2286-2288
[56]Qu G., Hu L., Liang X., Zhang H., Zhao Y..Peelable GaAs mircotips grown by one-step selective liquid phase epitaxy[A],2011,2279-2281
[57]Zhao, Ziwen, Hu, Lizhong, Zhang, Heqiu, Sun, Jingchang, Bian, Jiming, Jianze, HQ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys & Optoelect Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Effect of different annealing temperature on Sb-doped ZnO thin films prepared by pulsed laser d...[J],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2011,257(11):5121-5124
[58]Zhang, Heqiu, Hu, Lizhong, Zhao, ZiWen, Ma, Jinxue, Qiu, Yu, Wang, Bin, Liang, Hongwei, Bian, Jiming, HQ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys & Optoelect Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Photoluminescence study of Sb-doped ZnO films deposited by a closed tube CVT technique[J],VACUUM,2011,85(6):718-720
[59]Qiu, Yu, Hu, Lizhong, Zhang, Heqiu, Wang, Lina, Ma, Jinxue, Bin, HQ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys & Optoelect Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Changing the Shape of ZnO Nanostructures by Controlling Oxygen Concentration: From Tetrapod-Lik...[J],9th Chinese International Nanoscience and Technology Symposium,2010,127(1):134-140
[60]王彬, 赵子文, 邱宇, 马金雪, 张贺秋, 胡礼中, Zhang, H.-Q.(hqzhang@dlut.edu.cn).生长和退火温度对磁控溅射法制备的ZnO薄膜性能的影响[J],人工晶体学报,2010,39(5):1119-1123
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