
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:材料科学与工程学院
- 学科:材料无损检测与评价. 材料学
- 联系方式:0411-84706049
- 电子邮箱:zhbluo@dlut.edu.cn
[1] 杨雅喃, Tian, Xin, 罗忠兵, 金士杰.Ultrasonic Testing of Fatigue Cracks in Aluminum Alloy Based on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit and Part[A],Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Far East NDT New Technology and Application Forum, FENDT 2023,2024,170-174
[2] 金士杰, 王志成, 罗忠兵.TOFD detection of shallow subsurface defects in aluminum alloy thin plates by half-skip mode-convert[J],Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2024
[3] 罗忠兵, 林莉.Quantitative Electro-mechanical Impedance Evaluation on the Mechanical Damage of Austenitic Stainles[A],2012 Far east nondestructive testing forum,2022
[4] Jin, Shijie, 狄成军, 苏嘉凯, 史思琪, 罗忠兵.Profile reconstruction of irregular planar defects by mirrored composite-mode total focusing method[J],NDT & E INTERNATIONAL,2024,141
[5] 罗忠兵, 孟亦圆, 范曙光, Lin, Li.Assessment of surface/subsurface damage in early-stage fatigue: A new attempt based on LCR wave[J],International Journal of Fatigue,2024,170
[6] 罗忠兵, 康金丽, 曹欢庆, Lin, Li.Enhanced ultrasonic total focusing imaging of CFRP corner with ray theory-based homogenization techn[J],Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,36(1):434-443
[7] 罗忠兵, Wang, Hong, Zhang, Song, Li, Fengzhong, 金士杰.A phased array ultrasonic-based enhanced strategy of critically refracted longitudinal (LCR) wave te[J],NDT and E International,133
[8] 孟亦圆, 刘华辉, Lin, Li, Wang, Yan, 罗忠兵.Fatigue damage assessment using nonlinear critically refracted longitudinal (LCR) wave in pure iron:[J],International Journal of Fatigue,176
[9] 孟亦圆, Lin, Li, 罗忠兵, 雷明凯.Non-destructive characterization of dislocation density in annealed pure iron using nonlinear ultras[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2024,59(13):5576-5594
[10] 罗忠兵, 刘振浩, Li, Fei-long, 金士杰.Defects Imaging in Corner Part with Surface Adaptive Ultrasonic and Focusing in Receiving (FiR) Stra[J],JOURNAL OF NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION,2024,43(2)
[11] Jin Shijie, Sun Xu, 罗忠兵.Reducing Dead Zone in Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD): A Review[J],Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing,2024,60(2):170-187
[12] 金士杰, 苏嘉凯, 李潇, 狄成军, 罗忠兵.Quantitative detection of axial defects in pipelines based on modified multi-mode total focusing met[J],APPLIED ACOUSTICS,2024,228
[13] 李潇, 史思琪, 罗忠兵, 金士杰.Sparse-TFM imaging in frequency domain based on amplitude-squared parameter[A],Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2024,2822(1)
[14] 李峰忠, 张松, 王红, 金士杰, 罗忠兵.PA-LCR: A flexible ultrasonic characterization method[A],Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2024,2822(1)
[15] 范曙光, 孟亦圆, 刘华辉, Zhang, Ping, 罗忠兵, 金士杰.Ratcheting damage evaluation based on critically refracted longitudinal wave combined with recurrenc[J],Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,2024,242
[16] 李峰忠, 李蔚然, 金士杰, 罗忠兵.Assessment of damage prediction models for composite laminates under single and repeated low-velocit[J],Aerospace Science and Technology,2024,155
[17] 金士杰, 刘长发, Shi, S. Q., 林莉, 罗忠兵.Profile reconstruction and quantitative detection of planar defects with composite-mode total focusi[J],NDT & E INTERNATIONAL,2022,123
[18] 罗忠兵, 林莉.Influences of mechanical contact on damage evaluation with electro-mechanical impedance technique[J],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES,2022,12(12):12-18
[19] 罗忠兵, 金士杰, 邹龙江, Zhu, Xiaolei, 林莉.Gain-scale ultrasonic properties measurement of cast austenitic stainless steel[J],MEASUREMENT,2022,151
[20] 罗忠兵, 赵杰, Gao, Y.J., 王来.Revisiting mechanisms to inhibit Ag3Sn plates in Sn-Ag-Cu solders with 1 wt.% Zn addition[J],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2022,500(1):39-45