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个人信息Personal Information
主要任职:Deputy Director, Department of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
其他任职:APEC Energy Working Group Member, Member of APEC Expert Group on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EGEE&C)
个人简介Personal Profile
首届全国“百名暖通空调杰出青年”、大连市青年科技之星、大连市高端人才。担任大连理工大学环能专业负责人、辽宁省绿色建筑与节能工程实验室副主任、可持续建筑与能源系统在线智控研究团队(Online Automation Solutions Institute for Sustainability in Energy and Buildings ,OASIS-EB)负责人。(公众号:OASIS_EB)
1. 超高能耗大型建筑群智能控制理论。
2. 人工环境与能源系统在线智慧运维。
3. 城市基础设施物联网数据深度应用。
1. 教学获奖:高等教育(研究生)国家级教学成果二等奖(排名2/15)、辽宁省研究生教学成果特等奖(排名1/10)、辽宁省教学成果一等奖(排名6/10)、大连理工大学研究生优秀教学成果一等奖(排名1/5)、辽宁省优秀研究生导师团队成员(排名4/10)、大连理工大学优秀研究生导师团队成员(排名4/10)。
2. 教学改革:首批教育部新工科教学与实践项目骨干成员。主持辽宁省教改项目、大连理工大学教学教改项目、来华留学研究课题重点项目、卓越共创项目等共6项。
3. 育人荣誉:大连理工大学优秀班主任(2018-2020)、大连理工大学优秀本科毕业论文指导教师(2019)、大连理工大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(2020-2022)。
1. 科研项目:主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项、青年项目1项,主持APEC国际合作项目、外专局外国专家重点支撑项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、住建部科技专项、辽宁省自然科学基金、大连市科技计划项目、大连理工大学基本科研业务费重点项目和学科交叉项目、各类技术开发及服务项目20余项,参与国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划、各类技术开发与服务项目20余项。获辽宁省科技进步奖、辽宁省自然科学成果奖、高交会优秀产品奖多项。
2. 学术成果:发表学术论文177篇,其中SCI期刊论文75篇:一作或通讯SCI论文58篇、JCR Q1论文60篇,篇均影响因子7以上;出版APEC英文专著1部;获专利及软件著作权20余项。
3. 学术兼职:APEC Energy Working Group和Expert Group on Energy Efficiency & Conservation的专家成员。Applied Energy、Sustainable Cities and Society、Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 、Energy、Building and Environment、Energy and Buildings 、Applied Thermal Engineering、Journal of Process Control、Journal of Building Engineering、International Journal of Refrigeration、Building Simulation、Energy and Built Environment等国际期刊审稿人,《暖通空调》青委会委员,国际期刊《Energy and Built Environment》青年编委。
4. 社会服务:主编中国节能协会团体标准、国标工程图集、中国工程建设标准化协会团体标准、辽宁省地方标准5部,主编的《建筑基本单元信息模型》标准填补国际空白,在冰立方、鸟巢体育场、万象汇、万象城等370余万平米的大型公共建筑中应用。提出的面向复杂非线性能源系统的在线调控与数字孪生方法,支撑大连湾海底隧道和光明路延伸工程与全国多座地铁站的智慧运维;参与开发的建筑能源系统物联网技术体系,在全国600余栋公共建筑(超1000万平米)中实现应用,参与开发的建筑能耗数据质量保障与精准预测方法,在全国41栋公共建筑(180余万平米)中实现应用。
1. Tianyi Zhao, Jili Zhang, Liangdong Ma. On-line optimization control method based on extreme value analysis for parallel variable-frequency hydraulic pumps in central air-conditioning systems. Building and Environment, 47(1): 330-338. (辽宁省自然科学成果一等奖)
2. Tianyi Zhao, Jili Zhang, Liangdong Ma. Experimental analysis of the thermal stability of the pressure control method for a variable flow air-conditioning water system. Building and Environment, 70(12):1-9. (辽宁省自然科学成果奖)
3. Tianyi Zhao, Liangdong Ma, Jili Zhang. An optimal differential pressure reset strategy based on the most unfavorable thermodynamic loop on-line identification for a variable water flow air conditioning system. Energy and Buildings, 110(1): 257-268. (辽宁省自然科学成果奖)
4. Tianyi Zhao, Jili Zhang, Dexing Sun. Experimental study on a duty ratio fuzzy control method for fan-coil units. Building and Environment, 46(2): 527-534.
5. Tianyi Zhao, Jili Zhang, Liangdong Ma. An optimal design method for a heat exchanger for a dual-stage circulating high-temperature heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 61(2):698-715.
6. Tianyi Zhao, Pengmin Hua, Wuhe Dai, Jili Zhang, Liangdong Ma. An optimal control method for discrete variable outdoor air volume setpoint determination in variable air volume systems. Building and Environment, 167(1):106444.
7. Tianyi Zhao, Jiteng Li, Peng Wang, Sungmin Yoon, Jiaqiang Wang. Improvement of virtual in-situ calibration in air handling unit using data preprocessing based on Gaussian mixture model, Energy and Buildings, 256(2):111735.
8. Tianyi Zhao, Jingwen Xu, Chengyu Zhang, Peng Wang. A monitoring data based bottom-up modeling method and its application for energy consumption prediction of campus building, Journal of Building Engineering, 35(3):101962.
9. Tianyi Zhao, Chengyu Zhang, Jingwen Xu, Yifan Wu, Liangdong Ma. Data-driven correlation model between human behavior and energy consumption for college teaching buildings in cold regions of China, Journal of Building Engineering, 38(6):102093.
10. Tianyi Zhao, Yue Sun, Zhuyue Chai, Kuishan Li. An outlier management framework for building performance data and its application to the power consumption data of building energy systems in non-residential buildings,Journal of Building Engineering, 65(4): 105688.
11. Tianyi Zhao, Ying Zhou, Jili Zhang, Xiuming Li. Online differential pressure reset method with adaptive adjustment algorithm for variable chilled water flow control in central air-conditioning systems. Building Simulation, 14(5):1407-1422.
12. Tianyi Zhao, Jiaming Wang, Meng Xu, Kuishan Li. An online predictive control method with the temperature based multivariable linear regression model for a typical chiller plant system. Building Simulation, 13(2):335-348.
13. Tianyi Zhao, Boyan Zhang, Muyan Li, Guangyu Liu, Peng Wang* . Handling fault detection and diagnosis in incomplete sensor measurements for BAS based HVAC system, Journal of Building Engineering, 80(12): 108098.
14. Tianyi Zhao, Ben Jiang, Yu Li, Yacine Rezgui, Chengyu Zhang, Peng Wang*. Multi-point temperature or humidity prediction for office building indoor environment based on CGC-BiLSTM deep neural network, Building and Environment, 267: 112259
15. Chengyu Zhang, Liangdong Ma, Xing Han, Tianyi Zhao*. Reconstituted data-driven air conditioning energy consumption prediction system employing occupant-orientated probability model as input and swarm intelligence optimization algorithms. Energy, 288(2): 129799.
16. Chengyu Zhang, Liangdong Ma, Zhiwen Luo, Xing Han, Tianyi Zhao*. Forecasting building plug load electricity consumption employing occupant-building interaction input features and bidirectional LSTM with improved swarm intelligent algorithms. Energy, 288(2): 129651.
17. Boyan Zhang, Peng Wang, Guangyu Liu, Jiteng Li, Tianyi Zhao*, Diagnosis of single and multiple-source faults of chiller sensors using EWEEMD-ICKNN by time sequence denoising and non-Gaussian distribution feature extraction,Energy and Buildings, 298(11): 113572.
18. Jiteng Li, Peng Wang, Jiqing Li, Xing Han, Tianyi Zhao*, Sungmin Yoon, Improvement for energy efficiency and control characteristics in variable air volume system using in-situ sensor calibration method based on autoencoder, Journal of Building Engineering, 63(1):105559.
19. Jiaming Wang, Tianyi Zhao*. Event-driven online decoupling control mechanism for the variable flow rate HVAC system based on the medium response properties. Building and Environment, 218(6):109104.
20. Jiaming Wang, Tianyi Zhao*. Medium dynamic diffusion characteristics in the pipeline network of variable flow HVAC system towards online decoupling control oriented. Energy and Buildings, 258(3):111827.
21. Liangdong Ma,Yangyang Huang, Tianyi Zhao*. A synchronous prediction method for hourly energy consumption of abnormal monitoring branch based on the data-driven. Energy and Buildings, 260(4):111940.
22. Jiteng Li, Peng Wang, Tianyi Zhao*; Sungmin Yoon, Jiaqiang Wang. The effects of multidimensional data clustering on the accuracy of virtual in-situ calibration in the photovoltaic/Thermal heat pump system. Journal of Building Engineering, 45(1):103500.
23. Chengyu Zhang, Tianyi Zhao*, Kuishan Li. Quantitative correlation models between electricity consumption and behaviors about lighting, sockets and others for electricity consumption prediction in typical campus buildings. Energy and Buildings, 253(12):111510.
24. Xiuming Li, Ce Zhang, Tianyi Zhao*, Zongwei Han. Adaptive predictive control method for improving control stability of air-conditioning terminal in public buildings. Energy and Buildings, 249(10):111261.
25. Xiuming Li, Zongwei Han, Tianyi Zhao*, Jiajia Gao. Online model for indoor temperature control based on building thermal process of air conditioning system. Journal of Building Engineering, 39(7):102270.
26. Xiuming Li, Zongwei Han, Tianyi Zhao*, Jili Zhang, Da Xue. Modeling for indoor temperature prediction based on time-delay and Elman neural network in air conditioning system. Journal of Building Engineering, 33(1):101854.
27. Liangdong Ma, Tixiu Ren, Tianjiao Zhang, Tianyi Zhao*, Jili Zhang. Experimental study on effect of operating parameters on performance of serially cascaded wastewater source heat pump. Journal of Building Engineering, 32(11):101458.
28. Peng Wang, Jiteng Li, Sungmin Yoon, Tianyi Zhao*, Yuebin Yu. The detection and correction of various faulty sensors in a photovoltaic thermal heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 175(7):115347.
29. Xiuming Li, Sida Lin, Jili Zhang, Tianyi Zhao*. Model parameter identification of indoor temperature lag characteristic based on hysteresis relay feedback control in VAV systems. Journal of Building Engineering, 25(9):100839.
30. Jiteng Li, Peng Wang, Xing Han, Tianyi Zhao*, Sungmin Yoon. Strategies for sensor virtual in-situ calibration in building energy system: Sensor evaluation and data-driven based methods. Energy and Buildings, 294(9): 113274.
31. Chengyu Zhang, Liangdong Ma, Xing Han, Tianyi Zhao*. Improving building energy consumption prediction using occupant-building interaction inputs and improved swarm intelligent algorithms. Journal of Building Engineering, 73(8): 106671.
32. Wei Li, Jili Zhang, Tianyi Zhao*, Jiaming Wang, Ruobing Liang. Experimental study of human thermal sensation estimation model in built environment based on the Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy model. Building Simulation, 12(3):365-377.
33. Jiteng Li, Peng Wang, Yu Li, Yacine Rezgui, Sungmin Yoon, Tianyi Zhao*. Analysis of sensor offset characteristics in building energy systems based on redundant sensors: A case study on variable air volume system. Energy and Buildings, 306(3): 113957.
34. Boyan Zhang, Peng Wang, Guangyu Liu, Zhongjiao Ma, Tianyi Zhao*. AHU sensor fault diagnosis in various operating conditions based on a hybrid data-driven model combined energy consumption. Journal of Building Engineering, 87(6): 109028.
35. Chengyu Zhang, Zhiwen Luo, Yacine Rezgui, Tianyi Zhao*. Enhancing building energy consumption prediction introducing novel occupant behavior models with sparrow search optimization and attention mechanisms: A case study for forty-five buildings in a university community. Energy, 294(5):130896.
36. Yue Sun, Zhiwen Luo, Yu Li, Tianyi Zhao*. Grey-box model-based demand side management for rooftop PV and air conditioning systems in public buildings using PSO algorithm, Energy, 296(6):131052.
37. Chengyu Zhang, Zhiwen Luo, Yacine Rezgui, Tianyi Zhao*. Enhancing multi-scenario data-driven energy consumption prediction in campus buildings by selecting appropriate inputs and improving algorithms with attention mechanisms, Energy and Buildings, 311(5):114133.
38. Jiaming Wang, Tianyi Zhao*. Medium spatiotemporal characteristics based global optimization method for energy efficiency trade-off issue in variable flow rate HVAC system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 247(6): 123132.
39. Ben Jiang, Yu Li, Yacine Rezgui, Chengyu Zhang, Peng Wang, Tianyi Zhao*. Multi-source Domain Generalization Deep Neural Network Model for Predicting Energy Consumption in Multiple Office Buildings. Energy, 299(7): 131467.
40. Yue Sun, Tianyi Zhao*, Shan Lyu. Model-based investigation on building thermal mass utilization and flexibility enhancement of air conditioning loads. Building Simulation, 17:1289-1308.
41. Chengyu Zhang, Yacine Rezgui, Zhiwen Luo, Ben Jiang, Tianyi Zhao*. Simultaneous community energy supply-demand optimization by microgrid operation scheduling optimization and occupant-oriented flexible energy-use regulation. Applied Energy, 373(11): 123922.
42. Yu Zhao, Chang Xiong, Li Rong, Zhiwen Luo, Tareq Hussein, Tianyi Zhao*. Research on an adaptive prediction method for restaurant air quality based on occupancy detection, Building and Environment, 267 :112145.
43. Boyan Zhang, Yacine Rezgui, Zhiwen Luo, Tianyi Zhao*. Fault detection research on novel transfer learning-based method for cross-condition, cross-system and cross-operation in public building HVAC sensors. Energy, 313, 133704.
44. Jiaming Wang, Yacine Rezgui, Tianyi Zhao*. Collaborative Optimization Method for Solving the Diffusion and Allocation Issues in Complex Variable Flow Rate HVAC Systems. Applied Energy, 378, 124788.
45. Yu Zhao, Chang Xiong, Zhiwen Luo, Tareq Hussein, Tianyi Zhao*, The impact of human-induced turbulence on indoor thermal environment and pollutant diffusion, Building simulation, cover article of issue in Volume 18 (2025)
46. Tianyi Zhao. Study on Systematic Solution for Promoting Capacity Building of Low-Carbon Town in APEC Economies. APEC Secretariat 出版,APEC能源工作组特邀著作,书号:APEC#216-RE-01.30. ISBN: 978-981-11-1933-0.
47. Tianyi Zhao,Jiaming Wang,Yiting Wang,Thermal Distribution Principle and Nonlinear Optimal Control for HVAC Water System,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-96-0377-0,Springer Singapore出版,ISBN:978-981-96-0376-3,Published: 20 January 2025
48. 第一主编. 《辽宁省既有建筑绿色改造评价标准》,辽宁省工程建设地方标准,DB21/T 3410-2021. 主编部门:辽宁省住房和城乡建设厅,批准单位:辽宁省住房和城乡建设厅,施行日期:2021年5月30日。
49. 第二主编. 《建筑基本单元信息模型》,中国节能协会团体标准,T/CECA-G 0172-2022. 主编单位:大连理工大学,清华大学,中国人民解放军陆军工程大学,中国建筑标准设计研究院有限公司等,发布日期:2022年7月15日,实施日期:2022年7月18日。
50. 技术与设计负责人. 《建筑空间及机电设备群智能系统工程》,国家建筑标准设计参考图,23CX202. 主编单位:大连理工大学,中国建筑标准设计研究院。
51. 第一主编. 《建筑碳排放监测、认证、登记与管理技术规程》,中国工程建设标准化协会团体标准,大连理工大学, 深圳排放权交易所等,在编。
52. 第一主编. 《城市地铁站隧能源与环境系统监测标准》,中国工程建设标准化协会团体标准,大连理工大学, 大连公共交通建设投资集团有限公司等,在编。
1. 中国科协青年人才托举工程博士生专项计划(张城瑀)、大连理工大学优秀研究生标兵/屈伯川奖学金(张城瑀)、国家奖学金(范朋丹,刘慧芳,华鹏敏,周颖,张城瑀,江超文,王浩宇,刘璐,乔浩峰,李元杰,张城瑀)、中国路桥奖学金(王佳明)、潍柴动力奖学金(李吉腾)、辽宁省优秀毕业生(范朋丹,刘慧芳,周颖,张城瑀)、大连市优秀毕业生(华鹏敏,李哲,李慕岩)、大连理工大学优秀毕业生(刘超,范朋丹,刘慧芳,华鹏敏,周颖,李哲)、大连理工大学服从国家需要优秀毕业生(李哲)。
2. 优秀论文:大连理工大学优秀硕士学位论文(华鹏敏,周颖,管绪磊)、大连理工大学优秀本科毕业论文(吴一凡)。
3. 本科教学:担任大连理工大学土环1701班专业班主任:班级2018-2020年连续三年大连理工大学优良学风班,升学率72%;班级成员包揽专业绩点排名前五,获奖70余人次。担任大连理工大学未来技术学院2306班学育导师、2024级未来书院导师。
4. 科创获奖:第十九届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛2024年度“揭榜挂帅”专项赛二等奖(张朝辉等)、首届全国人工智能应用场景创新挑战赛决赛二等奖(李志伟等)、第十七届iCAN大学生创新创业大赛辽宁赛区选拔赛一等奖(李志伟等)、“建行杯”辽宁省第九届大学生创新创业大赛“互联网+”银奖(李志伟等)、辽宁省大数据应用与分析大赛一等奖(李志伟等)。
5. 深造就业:清华大学、新加坡国立大学、东京大学、上海交通大学、阿尔托大学、卡迪夫大学、奥胡斯大学、成均馆大学与赫尔辛基大学等知名院校继续深造或学术访问交流;美的集团、比亚迪集团、海尔集团、中国中车、索尼集团、大连理工大学等知名企事业单位工作。
团队成员Research Group