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学科:计算机应用技术. 计算机软件与理论
- [101]黄德根, 李丽双.Mining Large-scale Comparable Corpora fromChinese-English News Collections[A],2010,472-480
- [102]李丽双, 黄德根.A Hybrid Model Combining CRF with Boundary Templates for Chinese Person Name Recognition[J],International Journal of Advanced Intelligence73-80.,2010,2(1):73-80
- [103]李丽双, 林鸿飞.以计算机为指导的离散数学课程改革与实践[J],计算机科学(专辑),2010,37(7):122-125
- [104]黄德根, 李丽双, 李秀英.DLUT question answering system at NTCIR-8 CCLQA[A],2010
- [105]Li L., Sun J., Huang D..Boosting performance of gene mention tagging system by classifiers ensemble[A],2010
- [106]李丽双, 平金玉, 黄德根, Huang, D., School of Computer Science, Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China, email: dlutnlp@gmail.com.Protein-Protein Interacion Extracion from Biomedical Literatures Based on a Combined Kernel[J],Journal of Information and Computational Science,2010,7(5):1065-1073
- [107]Li, Lishuang, Zhou, Rongpeng, Huang, Degen, Liao, Wenping.Integrating Divergent Models for Gene Mention Tagging[A],2009,32-38
- [108]Li, Lishuang, Jing, Linmei, Huang, Degen.Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Literatures Based on Modified SVM-KNN[A],2009,242-248
- [109]Li, Lishuang, Zhou, Rongpeng, Huang, Degen, DG (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Two-phase biomedical named entity recognition using CRFs[J],COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY,2009,33(4):334-338
- [110]Li L., Huang D., Yu H., Huang, D., Department of Computer Science, Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China, email: huangdg@dlut.edu.cn.New page discovery based on tag-based filtering method[J],Journal of Information and Computational Science,2009,6(3):1355-1363
- [111]黄德根, 李丽双.基于CRFs的汉语基本块识别[A],2009,26-31
- [112]Li, Lishuang, Ding, Zhuoye, Huang, Degen.Recognizing Location Names from Chinese Texts Based on Max-Margin Markov Network[A],2008,325-331
- [113]Li, Lishuang, Ding, Zhuoye, Huang, Degen, Zhou, Huiwei.A Hybrid Model Based on CRFs for Chinese Named Entity Recognition[A],2008,127-132
- [114]李丽双, 黄德根.A Hybrid Model Combining CRFs with Boundary Templates for Chinese Person Name Recognition[A],2008
- [115]黄德根, 李丽双.HMM and CRF Based Hybrid Model for Chinese Lexical Analysis[A],2008,133-137
- [116]李丽双, 商敏, 黄德根, 周惠巍.基于Bootstrapping的汉语词义消歧研究[A],2007,191-197
- [117]罗雪兵, 黄德根, 周惠巍, 李丽双.基于组合方法的组块识别[A],2007,83-88
- [118]李丽双, 黄德根, 陈春荣, 杨元生, Li, L.-S.(lils@dlut.edu.cn).基于支持向量机的中文文本中地名识别[J],大连理工大学学报,2007,47(3):433-438
- [119]毛婷婷, 李丽双, 黄德根.基于混合模型的中国人名自动识别[J],中文信息学报,2007,21(2):22-28
- [120]Li, Lishuang, Shang, Min, Huang, Degen, Wang, Ke.Bootstrapping for Chinese word sense disambiguation based on grouping strategy[A],2007,73-78