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Paper Publications
A google-map integrated web-based stated preference survey for modeling personal mobility
2019-03-11 Hits:Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2009-08-05
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:3072-3078
Abstract:An internet stated preference (SP) survey was developed in order to investigate an operational strategy in practice for a new kind of personal travel assistance mode - Low Speed Private Transportation Mode (LSPTM) system. This article outlines the idea and methodology of developing an SP survey which applies the recent innovations of Google-map API and Ajax models. Details regarding the dynamic location based information provision through various overlapping elements on Google-map and the experimental design with respect to different respondents/situations are explained. Results proved that the combination of environmental information provision through Google-map and efficient generation of attribute settings allows for an attractive SP survey design. ? 2009 ASCE.
Date of Publication:2009-08-05