Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2020-12-01
Page Number:34241-34251
ISSN No.:1380-7501
Key Words:Wireless sensor network; Clustering; IoT; Node cooperation
Abstract:Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is composed of numerous tiny smart sensors nodes integrated with Internet of Things (IoT) play a crucial role in many applications. The IoT connects physical devices to form a network which consist of software, sensor for exchange of information. Clustering is most common technique for efficient energy utilization in WNS. Sensor nodes when they have data, forwards it to Cluster Head (CH) and CH transfers the received data from the sensor nodes to the sink. When the sink nodes are far away from CH, long-haul transmission consumes higher power. In this paper we propose efficient data transfer mechanism for clustered IoT network through the cooperation of member nodes. First, we use greedy algorithm to select cooperative sensor nodes to act as relay for long distance transmission. Then, to encourage sensor nodes in data forwarding, cluster head uses priority buffers to prioritize assisting sensor nodes data. Simulation results show that, the proposed approach conserves energy and increases the life-time of clustered IoT network.