Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2022-06-28
Page Number:743-747
ISSN No.:1000-5684
Abstract:In this paper,the fresh weight of quinoa is considered as the index of quinoa biomass,and the correlation analysis of the biomass accumulation and its related meteorological factors was conducted by Matlab software.It was found that the biomass accumulation of quinoa had significant correlation with water pressure,accumulated temperature,sunshine,evaporation,relative humidity and precipitation;we fitted the Logistic Growth Model of the biomass accumulation of quinoa and meteorological factors by SPSS software,and clarified the relationship between the growth of quinoa and the main meteorological factors.Simultaneously,using multiple differential and one-dimensional linear regression,we studied the effects of various meteorological factors on the growth and development of quinoa.The fitting results show that the relationship between the growth of quinoa and the related meteorological factors is obvious.