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- [1]李伟, 卢鹏, 李志军, 庄峰, 卢志明, 李国玉.2017-2018年冬季乌梁素海湖冰表面裂缝形态分析[J],冰川冻土,2021,42(3):919-926
- [2]于淼, 卢鹏, 曹晓卫, 汤明光, 王庆凯, 李志军.湖冰双向反射特征的现场观测研究[J],光谱学与光谱分析,2021,40(8):2453-2461
- [3]祖永恒, 卢鹏, 于淼, 曹晓卫, 李志军.Laboratory experimental study of water drag force exerted on ridge keel[J],Advances in Polar Science,2021,31(1):36-42
- [4]韩红卫, 雷瑞波, 卢鹏, 李志军.Features of sea ice motion observed with ice buoys from the central Arctic Ocean to Fram Strait[J],Advances in Polar Science,2021,31(1):26-35
- [5]汤明光, 李志军, 卢鹏, 曹晓卫, 李国玉, Lepp?ranta Matti, Arvola Lauri, 石利娟.湖冰晴天反照率日变化特征的统计模型比较和分析[J],湖泊科学,2021,32(6):1858-1868
- [6]王庆凯, 卢鹏, Matti Lepp?ranta, 程斌, 张桂勇, 李志军.Physical properties of summer sea ice in the Pacific Sector of Arctic (PSA) during 2008-2018[J],Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,2021,125(9):1-19
- [7]卢鹏, 李志军, Zhang, Z. H., Dong, X. L..Aerial observations of floe size distribution in the marginal ice zone of summer Prydz Bay[J],JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS,2021,113(C2)
- [8]Tan, Bing, 李志军, 卢鹏, Haas, Christian, Nicolaus, Marcel.Morphology of sea ice pressure ridges in the northwestern Weddell Sea in winter[J],JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS,2021,117(6)
- [9]祖永恒, 王庆凯, 卢鹏, 李博, 吴岩, 李志军.分层流体中冰脊拖曳力的数值模拟研究[J],水利学报,2019,50(8):969-979
- [10]Lu, Peng, Cheng, Bin, Lepparanta, Matti, Li, Zhijun, P (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Partitioning of solar radiation in Arctic sea ice during melt season[J],OCEANOLOGIA,2018,60(4):464-477
- [11]于淼, 卢鹏, 李志军, 石立坚.基于SAR图像纹理的北极海冰厚度的反演研究[J],极地研究,2018,30(3):329-337
- [12]卢鹏, 李志军, 程斌, Matti Lepparanta.Optics of melt ponds on Arctic sea ice[A],2018,1:402-409
- [13]曹晓卫, 卢鹏, 张宝森, 李国玉, 李志军.Observations of ice bottom morphology and flow velocities under ice[A],2018,1:281-288
- [14]Sun Heng, Gao Zhongyong, Lu Peng, Xiu Peng, Chen Liqi, Gao, ZY (reprint author), State Ocean Adm, Inst Oceanog 3, Key Lab Global Change & Marine Atmospher Chem, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China..Evaluation of the net CO2 uptake in the Canada Basin in the summer of 2008[J],ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA,2017,36(8):94-100
- [15]郑杨龙, 卢鹏, 李志军, 石立坚.基于Radarsat-2 SAR图像分类与HY-2微波辐射计反演获取北极海冰密集度的比较研究[J],极地研究,2016,28(3):413-423
- [16]Huang, W., Lu, P., Lei, R., Xie, H., Li, Z., W (reprint author), Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China..Melt pond distribution and geometry in high Arctic sea ice derived from aerial investigations[J],ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY,2016,57(73):105-118
- [17]Tan, Bing, Li, Zhijun, Lu, Peng, Feng, Enmin, Wang, Lei, Ting, B (reprint author), Nanyang Normal Univ, Sch Math & Stat, Nanyang 473061, Henan, Peoples R China., Tan, Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Liaoning.CLUSTERING AND ANALYZING THE PRESSURE RIDGE MORPHOLOGY IN NORTHWESTERN WEDDELL SEA OF ANTARCTIC...[J],International Conference on Applications and Mathematical Analysis in Engineering and Science (AMAES),2016,12(3):623-633
- [18]Tan, Bing, Li, Zhijun, Peng, Lu, Wang, Lei, Xiaoli, L (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Math Sci, Dalian, Peoples R China..Statistical optimization with nonlinear constraints and parameter identification for the cutoff...[J],COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2016,35(2):619-628
- [19]Xu, Zhantang, Wang, Guifen, Zhao, Jun, Yang, Yuezhong, Cao, Wenxi, Lu, Peng, Hu, Shuibo, SB (reprint author), Shenzhen Univ, Shenzhen Key Lab Spatial Informat Smart Sensing &, Shenzhen, Peoples R China., Hu, Key Lab Geoenvironm Monitoring Coastal Zone, Natl Adm Surveying Mapping & GeoInformat.A semianalytical algorithm for quantitatively estimating sediment and atmospheric deposition fl...[J],JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS,2016,121(5):3450-3464
- [20]Lu, Peng, Lepparanta, Matti, Li, Zhijun, Cheng, Bin, P (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Influence of melt-pond depth and ice thickness on Arctic sea-ice albedo and light transmittance[J],COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2016,124:1-10