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- [121]赵志新, 李昕, 王文华, 施伟.超大型和大型半潜浮式海上风力机动力响应对比[J],海洋工程,2020,38(2):101-110
- [122]施伟.冰区海上风机的随机冰载荷研究[A],2018年中国可再生能源学术大会,2018
- [123]王凯, 刘天辉, 万远琛, 施伟.冰载荷仿真及在海上风机一体化分析中的应用[J],哈尔滨工程大学学报,2021
- [124]柴威, Bernt J. Leira, Chana Sinsabvarodom, 施伟.Estimation of Ice Conditions along the Northern Sea Route[A],Practical Design of Ships and other floating structures (PRADS2019),2019
- [125]施伟.Dynamics of offshore wind turbine[A],Workshop on Renewable energy technology & industry for sustainable growth Asia-Pacific countries,2017
- [126]施伟, 薛瑞宁, 侯晓彬, 修昊, 张礼贤.10 MW级半潜漂浮式风机动力响应研究[J],船舶工程,2021,43(10):1-11
- [127]Xinmeng Zeng, 施伟, Constantine Michailides, Songhao Zhang, 李昕.Numerical and experimental investigation of breaking wave forces on a monopile-type offshore wind...[J],Renewable energy,2021,175:501-509
- [128]Xinmeng Zeng, 施伟, Constantine Michailides, Kai Wang, 李昕.Comparative experimental and numerical study of wave loads on a monopile structure using differen...[J],China Ocean Engineering,2021,35(4):554-565
- [129]柳英洲, 施伟, 王文华, 李昕, 王滨.海上风机动冰力模型试验相似律研究[J],计算力学学报,2021,38(3):337-345
- [130]宋兆波, 施伟, 张礼贤, 里程, 李昕, 王滨.大型半潜浮式风机平台设计及稳性研究[J],中国海洋大学学报,2021,51(11):102-109
- [131]Zhixin Zhao, 施伟, Wenhua Wang, Shengwenjun Qi, 李昕.Design and analysis of a novel 10 MW semi-submersible wind turbine in intermediate water depth[J],Ocean engineering,2021,237:109688-
- [132]宁德志, Lars Johanning, Zhen Gao, Philipp Rudolf Thies, 施伟, Kathleen Aviso.Innovation and System Integration for Offshore Renewable Energy Structures[J],Frontiers in Marine Science,2021,8:742282-
- [133]Shan Gao, Lixian Zhang, 施伟, Bin Wang, 李昕.Dynamic responses for WindFloat floating offshore wind turbine at intermediate water depth based ...[J],Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,2021,9:1093-
- [134]Jinghui Li, 施伟, Lixian Zhang, Constantine Michailides, 李昕.Wind-wave coupling effect on the dynamic responses of a combined wind-wave energy converter[J],Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,2021
- [135]Lu Wang, 施伟, Xinmeng Zeng, Yang Zhou, Qing Xiao, Rupesh Kumar, Hamid Sarlak, Edward Ransley, Scott Brown, Martyn Hann, Stefan Netzband, Amy Robertson, Malwin Wermbter, Beatriz Méndez López, Jason Jonkman, Arjen Koop, Adrià Borràs Nadal, Haoran Li, Poli?, Romain Pinguet.OC6 Phase I: Experimental Validation of the CFD Predictions of DifferenceFrequency Wave Excitatio...[J],Ocean engineering,2021,241:110026-
- [136]Ed Mackay, 施伟, 乔东生, Roman Gabl, 宁德志, Lars Johanning.Numerical and experimental modelling of wave interaction with fixed and floating porous cylinders[J],Ocean engineering,2021,242:110118-
- [137]Tang, Ye, 施伟, You, Jikun, Michailides, Constantine.Effects of nonlinear wave loads on large monopile offshore wind turbines with and without ice-b...[J],JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021,26(1):37-53
- [138]Yonghui Park, Hyunchul Park, Jikun You, 马哲, 施伟.Multibody dynamic analysis of a wind turbine drivetrain in consideration of the shaft bending eff...[J],Frontiers in Energy Research,2021,8(604414)
- [139]周林, 施伟, 张松浩, 张礼贤.破碎波作用下单桩式海上风机的数值分析[J],南方能源建设,2021,7(3):70-80
- [140]赵志新, 王文华, 韩东东, 施伟, Yulin Si, 李昕.Structural Control of an Ultra-large Semi-submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine[J],Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering and Arctic Engineering,2021,143(3):1-12