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- [141]Amy Robertson, Paul Bonnet, Bastien Boudet, Cédric Brun, Marie Féron, Zheng Chen, Dominic Forbush, Christos Galinos, Josean Galvan, Philippe Gilbert, Juan Gómez, Sebastien Gueydon, Florence Haudin, Zhiqiang Hu, Baptiste Le Dreff, Mareike Leimeister, Frank Lemmer, Haoran Li, Gill McKinnon, I?igo Mendikoa, Abdolmajid Moghtadaei, Stefan Netzband, Erin Bachynski, Sho Oh, Jurado, Minh Quan Nguyen, Kelley Ruehl, Paul Schünemann, 施伟, Hyunkyoung Shin, Yulin Si, Florian Surmont, Pau Trubat, Lu Wang, Jacob Qwist, Laymann, Thanh Toan Tran, Jason Jonkman, Daniel Alarcón, Ervin Amet, Alec Beardsell.OC6 Phase I: Investigating the under-prediction of floating wind turbine loads at their natural f...[A],2021
- [142]Yu Zhou, 宁德志, 施伟, Lars Johanning, Dongfang Liang.Hydrodynamic investigation on an OWC wave energy converter integrated into an offshore wind turbi...[J],Coastal Engineering,2021,162
- [143]Ye Tang, 施伟, Jikun You, Constantine Michailides.Effects of nonlinear wave loads on large monopile offshore wind turbines with and without ice-bre...[J],Journal of Marine Science and Technology,2021
- [144]Lu Wang, Yang Zhou, Xiao Qing, Rupesh Kumar, Hamid Sarlak, Amy Robertson, Jason Jonkman, Arjen Koop, Adrià Borràs Nadal, Haoran Li, 施伟, Romain Pinguet.Investigation of nonlinear difference-frequency wave excitation on a semisubmersible offshore-win...[A],2021
- [145]Ed Mackay, Lars Johanning, 施伟, 宁德志.Model Tests of a TLP Floating Offshore Wind Turbine with a Porous Outer Column[A],2021,308-316
- [146]Zhiyu Jiang, Trond Skrudland, Madjid Karimirad, Constantine Michailides, 施伟.Effect of a passive tuned mass damper on offshore installation of a wind turbine nacelle[A],2021
- [147]王亚坡, 施伟, 张礼贤, Constantine Michailides, Li Zhou.Hydrodynamic analysis of a floating hybrid renewable energy system[A],2021,500-507
- [148]张松浩, 施伟, 周林, 张礼贤, Constantine Michailides.Model Test of Monopile-Type Offshore Wind Turbine under Breaking Waves[A],2021,253-257
- [149]Zhao, Zhixin, Wang, Wenhua, 施伟, Li, Xin.Effects of second-order hydrodynamics on an ultra-large semi-submersible floating offshore wind...[J],STRUCTURES,2021,28:2260-2275
- [150]王亚坡, 张礼贤, Constantine Michailides, Ling Wan, 施伟.Hydrodynamic response of a combined wind-wave marine energy structure[J],Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,2020,8(4):253-
- [151]Shi, Wei, Michailides, Constantine, Karimirad, Madjid, You, Jikun, Zhang, Lixian.Hydrodynamic characteristics of the modified V-shaped Semi-floating offshore wind turbine with ...[A],2019,1356(1)
- [152]Ma, Zhe, Zhai, Gangjun, Shi, Wei, Wang, Shaoxiong, Yin, Ren, Nianxin, Y (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coast & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A Comprehensive Study on the Serbuoys Offshore Wind Tension Leg Platform Coupling Dynamic Respo...[J],ENERGIES,2019,12(11)
- [153]施伟, 张礼贤, Jihun You, Constantine Michailies, Madjid Karimirad.Hydrodynamic analysis of a novel floating offshore wind turbine[A],2019
- [154]马哲, 王胤, 任年鑫, 施伟.A coupled CFD-DEM simulation of upward seepage flow in coarse sands[J],Marine Georesources & Geotechnology,2019
- [155]施伟, 任年鑫.南海海况下半潜浮式风机在故障工况下的动力学响应分析[J],南方能源建设,2018,5(4):12-20
- [156]Shi, Wei, Park, Yonghui, Hyunchul, Ning, Dezhi.Dynamic analysis of the wind turbine drivetrain considering shaft bending effect[J],JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2018,32(7):3065-3072
- [157]施伟, 宁德志.寒区海上风力发电机的冰载荷研究[J],船舶与海洋工程,2018,105-112
- [158]张礼贤, 宁德志, Madjid Karimirad, 施伟.Performance Analysis of a V-shaped Semisubmersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine for Deep Water[A],2018
- [159]施伟.Design and analysis of offshore wind turbine-trends and challenges[A],2018
- [160]郑侃, 施伟, 任年鑫.Dynamic response of a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine under flooded column damage[A],2018