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- [1]宋学官, 梁朋伟, 张帅, 庞勇, 龚壮壮, Yang, Kaike, Zhang, Junwei, Yuan, Zhaoting.A modeling method for the opto-mechanical coupling problems of photoelectric detection and tracki...[J],STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION,2024,67(9)
- [2]付涛, 张天赐, 崔允浩, 宋学官.深度学习增强的智能矿用电铲挖掘轨迹跟踪控制[J],Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2024,60(16):357-366
- [3]严粤飞, 王龙杨, 徐鹏颖, 王艳, 陈竞覃, 王志海, 宋学官, 翁俊, 王从思.基于SCNs的大口径陆基有源相控阵天线变形重构方法[J],电子机械工程,2024,40(05):13-21
- [4]庞勇, 张帅, 梁朋伟, 王沐晨, 龚壮壮, 宋学官, 阚子云.Surrogate model uncertainty quantification for active learning reliability analysis[J],Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2024
- [5]王昊, 宋学官, 张超.Multi-fidelity Data Fusion Mechanism for Digital Twins via Internet of Thing[J],IEEE Internet Computing,2024
- [6]梁朋伟, 庞勇, 张帅, 王沐晨, 李清野, 任博, 阚子云, 宋学官.光-机-热-流多场耦合建模方法及其在激光传输系统中的应用[J],机械工程学报,2024
- [7]杨亮亮, 朱泓宇, Lai, Xiaonan, 何西旺, 阚子云, 宋学官.A Newton-Cotes-based online acceleration signal fast processing approach to obtain displacement f...[J],Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,2024,242
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- [17]Zhang, Shuai, 庞勇, 李清野, 李昆鹏, 宋学官.Multi-type data fusion via transfer learning surrogate modeling and its engineering application[J],Information Sciences,2024,677
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