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任职 : 海洋能源利用与节能教育部重点实验室副主任





学科:工程热物理. 能源与环境工程



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学术兼职包括中国工程热物理学会理事、传热传质委员会委员;中国计量测试学会热物性专业委员会副主任;中国内燃机学会特种发动机分会委员;国家自然科学基金会评专家;科技部重大科学研究计划《高效节能微纳结构材料体系研究》项目专家组成员;电站能量传递转化与系统教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员;国际传热传质中心(ICHMT)科学理事会成员(Member of the Scientific Council);亚洲热物性会(ATPC)国际委员会常务理事;第16届国际传热大会秘书长;全球前2%顶尖科学家(World's Top 2% Scientists)Career-long Impact 和Single-year Impact《Carbon Neutrality》、《工程热物理学报》、《新能源进展》编委。



出版专著1部,著作章节4部。发表学术论文 450 余篇,其中学术期刊论文350余篇,SCI收录240篇,他引8000余次,获得授权国家专利100余项。



B2. Experimental Study on Nanoscale Heat Transport by Femtosecond Laser, Femtosecond Lasers: New Research-Chapter 8, Nova Science Publishers, 2013.


B4. Heat Conduction and Heat Storage Characterizations of Phase-Change Microcapsules, Green Building and Phase Change Materials: Characteristics, Energy Implications and Environmental Impacts-Chapter 4, Nova Science Publishers, 2015.

B5. Ionic Liquids Facilitate the Development of Absorption Refrigeration, Ionic Liquids - Current State of the Art-Chapter 23, InTech, 2015.

R1. Advances in thermal transport properties at nanoscale in China, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 125, 413-433.

R2. Emerging surface strategies for porous materials-based phase change composites, Matter, 2022, 5, 3225-3259.

P1. Assessment of the two-phase thermosyphon loop with high filling ratio under anti-gravity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 206, 123968.

P2. Pressure-driven anomalous thermal transport behaviors in gallium arsenide, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 142, 89-97.

P3. A polyethersulfone film porous wick for loop heat pipes, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 142, 106652.

P4. High‐performance, highly stretchable, flexible moist‐electric generators via molecular engineering of hydrogels, Advanced Materials, 2023, 2300398.

P5. Ion‐transfer engineering via Janus hydrogels enables ultra‐high performance and salt‐resistant solar desalination, Advanced Materials, 2023, 2300189.

P6. Investigation of heat transfer and flow characteristics in two-phase loop thermosyphon by visualization experiments and CFD simulations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 203, 123812.

P7. Ion engines in hydrogels boosting hydrovoltaic electricity generation, Energy & Environmental Science, 2023, 16, 2494-2504.

P8. Two-phase mass transfer in a vapor-fed microfluidic fuel cell, Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 280, 116803.

P9. Mangrove Root-Inspired Evaporator Enables High-rate Salt-resistant Solar Desalination, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 123490.

P10. A high-efficient anisotropic continuum model for the optimization of heat transfer and chemical reaction in a packed-bed water gas shift reactor, Fuel, 2023, 333, 126493. 

P11. Deciphering high-efficiency solar-thermochemical energy conversion process of heat pipe reactor for steam methane reforming, Fuel, 2022, 326, 124972.

P12. Reliable predictions of bubble departure frequency in subcooled flow boiling: A machine learning-based approach, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 195, 123217.

P13. Strong tough hydrogel solar evaporator with wood skeleton construction enabling ultra-durable brine desalination, EcoMat, 2022, e12282.

P14. A synergistic improvement in heat storage rate and capacity of nano-enhanced phase change materials, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 192, 122869.

P15. Graphene layer number-dependent heat transport across Nickel/Graphene/Nickel interfaces, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces2022, 14(30), 35237-35245.

P16. Thermal conductivity of SrTiO3 under high-pressure, Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 120(26), 262201.

P17. First-principles investigation of the significant anisotropy and ultrahigh thermoelectric efficiency of a novel two-dimensional Ga2I2S2 at room temperature, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2022, 4(2), 25001.

P18. Defect-engineered MXene monolith enabling interfacial photothermal catalysis for high-yield solar hydrogen generation, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022, 3(5), 100877.

P19. A high temperature tubular reactor with hybrid concentrated solar and electric heat supply for steam methane reforming, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428, 132073.

P20. A flexible image processing technique for measuring bubble parameters based on a neural network, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 429, 132138.

P21. Asymmetric vortex pair induces secondary traveling wave vibration of a flexible cylinder from still water to incoming flow, Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(12), 125115.

P22. Pressure dependent thermoreflectance spectroscopy induced by interband transitions in metallic nano-film, IScience, 2021, 24(9), 102990.

P23. Highly salt-resistant 3D hydrogel evaporator for continuous solar desalination via localized crystallization, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2104380.

P24. Visualized-experimental investigation on the energy storage performance of PCM infiltrated in the metal foam with varying pore densities, Energy, 2021, 237, 121540.

P25. Multifunctional Ni-based oxygen carrier for H-2 production by sorption enhanced chemical looping reforming of ethanol, Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 221, 106953.

P26. Effect of perforated fins on the heat-transfer performance of vertical shell-and-tube latent heat energy storage unit, Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 39, 102647.

P27. Iron-oxygen covalency in perovskites to dominate syngas yield in chemical looping partial oxidation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 13008-13018. 

P28. The effective regulation of nanotwinning on the multichannel thermal transport in hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskite, Nano Energy, 2021, 82, 105747.

P29. Flexible and mildew-resistant wood-derived aerogel for stable and efficient solar desalination, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces2020, 12(25), 28179-28187.

P30. Highly thermally insulated and superhydrophilic corn straw for efficient solar vapor generation, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces2020, 12(14), 16503-16511.

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 聚光太阳能热利用,包括CHP、制氢等
  • 高热流密度传热及热管理技术
  • 极端条件热物理,包括超细空间、超快时间、极高压力、极高热流等

团队成员Research Group