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More >>Associate Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Welcome to join my group, open positions for Postdoc, PhD and MS students are available now. Please send a cover letter, transcript and your resume to me: ftang@dlut.edu.cn
Research Interests
§ Concrete Durability
§ Reinforcement Steel Corrosion and Prevention (corrosion mechanism, stochastic modeling of corrosion, cathodic protection)
§ New Coating and Construction Materials (enamel coating, epoxy coating, nano-material modified coatings, smart coatings)
§ Sensors and Structural Health Monitoring (optical fiber sensors for corrosion, shrinkage, crackings monitoring, smart rock)
§ Safety and Life-Cycle Assessment of Deteriorating Structures
§ Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Aug. 2008-Dec.2013), Missouri S&T (Formerly University of Missouri-Rolla), Rolla, MO 65401, USA
§ M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering (Jun 2012-May 2014), Missouri S&T (Formerly University of Missouri-Rolla), Rolla, MO 65401, USA
§ B.S. in Civil Engineering (Sep. 2000-Jul. 2004), University of South China, Hengyang, P.R. China
Academic Employment
§ Associate Professor (Sep. 2017-present), School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, P.R. China
§ Postdoctoral Research Associate (Dec. 2016–Aug. 2017), Department of Ocean & Mechanical Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, USA
§ Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Jan. 2014– Dec. 2016), Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Missouri S&T, USA
Journal Papers (google scholar total citation>2000,h-index=26)
[J74] Kuan Y, Tang F*, Verstrynge E, Bond properties of deformed steel bars coated with quartz sand modified enamel in concrete under both monotonic and reversed cylic loading, Engineering Structures 2024, 316: 118546.
[J73] Tang F*, Na W, Lin Z, Simultaneous measurement of early-stage corrosion and strain levels in steel rebars based on LPG-FBG optical fiber sensor, Construction and Building Materials 2024, 433: 136771.
[J72] Zhao L, Tang F, You R*, Li H, A silicon rubber packaged distributed optical fiber sensing tape for strain-crack monitoring based on OFDR technique, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2024, 372: 115383.
[J71] Yao Y, Tang F*, Yang S. Permeation behavior of salt solution through g-C3N5/epoxy coatings: insights from molecular dynamic simulation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2024, 690: 133725.
[J70] Kuang Y, Tang F*, Lin W, Lin Z. Bond performance of quartz sand modified enamel coated plain steel bars with concrete under reversed cyclic loading. Construction and Building Materials 2024, 421: 135676.
[J69] Zhao L, Tang F*, Li G, Li H. Crack width measurement with OFDR distributed fiber optic sensors considering strain redistribution after structure cracking. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 2024,14:1091-1109.
[J68] Tang F*, Cui H, Kuang Y, Li G, Lin Z. Corrosion resistance and bond strength of silica particle modified enamel coated smooth and deformed steel bars. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 2024, 36(7): 04024181.
[J67] Tang F*, Zhao L, Xu J, Cui Y, Zhou X, Li H. Theoretical and experimental investigation into detection of early-stage propagation of double cracks with distributed fiber optic sensor. Structural Health Monitoring. (Online).
[J66] Zhou G, Tang F*, Li G, Li H. Gold-sputtered LPG fiber sensor pulse electroplated with iron-carbon for monitoring passivation and depassivation of carbon steel in concrete pore solutions. Cement and Concrete Composites 2024, 147: 105432.
[J65] Tang F*, Bai J, Li G, Lin Z, Li H. Monitoring under-coating corrosion of painted structural steel with no-core fiber optic sensors. Measurement 2024, 225: 114075.
[J64] Zhao L, Tang F*, Li G, Li H. Crack monitoring of tension members with distributed fiber optic sensor considering substrate strain redistribution and coating/fiber interfacial slip. Engineering Structures 2024, 300: 117267.
[J63] Kuang Y, Tang F*, Li G, Lin Z, Lin W. Bond characteristics of quartz sand modified enamel coated steel bars with concrete. Construction and Building Materials 2023, 408: 133699.
[J62] Hu J, Tang F*, Li T, Li G, Li H. A strain transfer model for detection of pitting corrosion and loading force of steel rebar with distributed fiber optic sensor. Sensors 2023, 23: 8142.
[J61] Shang L, Zhang Z, Tang F, Cao Q, Yodo N, Pan H, Lin Z. Deep learning enriched automation in damage detection for sustainable operation in pipelines with welding defects under varying embedment conditions. Computation 11(11) 2023: 218.
[J60] Cui H, Tang F*, Li B, Lin Z. Microstructure and corrosion resistance of quartz sand modified enamel coated steel plates. Coatings 2023, 13: 510.
[J59] Shang L, Zhang Z, Tang F, Cao Q, Pan H, Lin Z. CNN-LSTM hybrid model to promote signal processing of ultrasonic guided lamb waves for damage detection in metallic pipelines. Sensors 2023, 23: 7059.
[J58] Tang F*, Hu J, Li T, Li G, Li H. Effect of stress level and localized corrosion on the strain transfer between corroded steel rebar and distribute fiber optic sensor. Construction and Building Materials 2023, 404: 133329.
[J57] Zhou G, Tang F*, Li G, Lin Z, Li H. Long period grating fiber optic sensors coated with gold film and pulse electroplated iron carbon layer for reinforcing steel corrosion monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. 2023, 72: 7004511.
[J56] Lin S, Tang F*, Dang J, Li X. Automatic detection of steel rebar corrosion based on machine learning and light spectrum of fiber optic corrosion sensors. Optical Fiber Technology 2023, 79: 103379.
[J55] Tang Y, Chen Y, Tang F, Liang Y, Li Z. Field experiment of a novel semi-active smart rock system for sensing bridge scour depth. Structures 2023, 53: 1150-1159.
[J54] Wang X, Cao Q, Tang F, Pan H, Chen X, Lin Z. Mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of dual-filler-epoxy-coated steel rebar under a corrosive environment. Coatings 2023, 13: 604.
[J53] Tang F*, Cui H, Li G, Yang S. Effect of strain levels on the corrosion resistance of an enamel-coated steel rebar. Coatings 2023, 13: 510.
[J52] Tang F*, Qin J, Verstrynge E, Dang J, Li H. Characterization of single-mode multimode single-mode fiber optic sensors for steel rebar corrosion monitoring in NaCl and simulated concrete pore solutions. Measurement Science and Technology 2023, 34: 045109.
[J51] Zhao L, Tang F*, Li H, Ansari F. Characterization of OFDR distributed optical fiber for crack monitoring considering fiber-coating interfacial slip, Structural Health Monitoring, 2023, 22(1): 180-200.
[J50] Tang F*, Zhou G, Li T, Dang J, Li H. Fe-C-Coated single-mode-multmode-single-mode optical fiber sensor for steel corrosion monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(19) 18508-18516.
[J49] Zhao L, Tang F*, Verstrynge E, Ren L, Li H. Experimental and numerical investigation into corrosion-induced mortar/concrete cracking with distributed optical fiber sensors. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2022 12: 943-960.
[J48] Zhang Z, Tang F, Cao Q, Pan H, Wang X, Lin Z. Deep learning-enriched stress level identification of pretensioned rods via guided wave approaches. Buildings, 2022, 12: 1772.
[J47] Fan L, Teng L, Tang F, Khayat KH, Chen G, Meng W. Corrosion of steel rebar embedded in UHPC beams with cracked matrix. Construction and Building Materials, 313(2021)125589.
[J46] Tang F*, Zhou G, Li H, Verstrynge E. A review on fiber optic sensors for rebar corrosion monitoring in RC structures. Construction and Building Materials, 313(2021)125578.
[J45] Wang X, Tang F, Cao Q, Qi X, Pan H, Chen X, Lin Z. Carbon-based nanoparticle-filled protective coatings for enhance damage tolerance and corrosion resistance of structural weldment. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 233: 112268.
[J44] Li Z, Tang F, Chen Y, Hu X, Chen G, Tang Y. Field experiment and numerical verification of the local scour depth of bridge pier with two smart rocks. Engineering Structures, 249 (2021): 113345.
[J43] Tang Y, Tang F, Zheng J, Li Z. In-plane asymmetric buckling of an FGM circular arch subjected to thermal and pressure field. Engineering Structures, 233: 112268.
[J42] Tang F*, Zhao L, Tian H, Li H, Li H. Localization and monitoring of initiation and propagation of corrosion-induced mortar cracking based on OFDR distributed optical fiber sensor. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 32(17): 1948-1965.
[J41] Wang X, Tang F, Cao Q, Qi X, Pan H, Lin Z*, Battocchi D. Nano-modified functional composite coatings for metallic structures: part II-mechanical and damage tolerance. Surface and Coatings Technology 401(2020) 126274
[J40] Tang F *, Li Z, Li C, Chen Y, Li H. Monitoring passivation, pitting corrosion initiation and propagation of steel bar with iron-carbon electroplated long period fiber grating sensor. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32(2020) 04020373
[J39] Wang X, Wang H*, Tang F, Castaneda H, Liang R. Statistical analysis of spatial distribution of external corrosion defects in buried pipelines using a multivariate Poisson-lognormal model. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.
[J38] Wang X, Tang F, Cao Q, Qi X, Pearson M, Li, M, Pan H, Zhang Z, Lin Z*. Comparative study of three carbon additives: carbon nanotubes, graphene, and fullerene-C60, for synthesizing enhanced polymer nanocomposites. Nanomaterials 10(2020):838.
[J37] Yan D*, Qian H, Huang Z, Tang F, Chen G, Deng J, Liu Y. Study of low temperature sintered enamel coating on steel bars: effect of coating cycles. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32(2020) 04020262.
[J36] Yan D, Xu Z, Qian H, Tang F *, Liu Y, Huang Z. Phase Structure and corrosion resistance of multilayer low-temperature sintered chemically reactive enamel coatings. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32 (2020) 04020249.
[J35] Wang H, Tang F *, Qin S, Tu K, Guo J. Corrosion-induced mechanical degradation of high strength bolted steel connection. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32 (2020) 04020203.
[J34] Li Z, Tang F, Chen Y, Tang Y and Chen G*. Elastic buckling of thin-walled liners encased in partially-grouted pipelines under external pressure. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 146(2020):04020042.
[J33] Tang F*, Li Z, Tang Y, Chen Y, Li H. Simultaneous measurement of shrinkage and coefficient of thermal expansion of mortar based on EFPI sensors with nanometer resolution. Measurement 152 (2020): 107376.
[J32] Yang F, Yan D*, Tang F, Chen G, Liu Y, Chen S. Effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure, corrosion resistance and crack susceptibility of chemically reactive enamel (CRE) coating. Construction and Building Materials 30(2020):117720.
[J31] Wang X, Tang F, Qi X, Lin Z*, Battocchi D, Chen X. Enhanced protective coatings based on nanoparticle fullerene C60 for oil & gas pipeline corrosion mitigation. Nanomaterials 9 (2019) 1476.
[J30] Wang X, Tang F, Qi X, Lin Z*. Mechanical, electrochemical, and durability behavior of graphene nano-platelet loaded epoxy-resin composite coatings. Composites Part B: Engineering 176 (2019) 107103.
[J29] Li Z*, Tang F, Zhou X, Chen Y. Stability of the pipe-liner system with a grouting void surrounded by the saturated soil. Engineering Structures 196 (2019) 109284.
[J28] Tang F*, Li Z, Chen Y, Li H, Huang J, O’Keefe MJ. Monitoring passive film growth on steel using Fe-C coated long period grating fiber sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (2019) 6748-6755.
[J27] Li Z, Tang F, Chen Y and Chen G*. Material distribution optimization of functionally graded arch subjected to external pressure under temperature rise field. Thin-Walled Structures 138 (2019) 64-78.
[J26] Li Z, Tang F, Chen Y, Tang Y and Chen G*. Elastic and inelastic buckling of thin-walled steel liners encased in circular host pipes under external pressure and thermal effects. Thin-Walled structures 137 (2019) 213-223.
[J25] Tang F, Chen Y, Li Z, Hu X, Chen G, Tang Y*. Characterization and field validation of smart rocks for bridge scour monitoring. Structural Health Monitoring 2019: 1475921718824944.
[J24] Tang F, Chen Y, Guo C, Fan L, Chen G, Tang Y*. Field application of magnet-based smart rock for bridge scour monitoring. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 24(2019): 04019015.
[J23] Tang F*, Chen Y, Li Z, Tang Y, Chen G. Application of Fe-C coated LPFG sensor for early stage corrosion monitoring of steel bar in RC structures. Construction and Building Materials 175(2018): 14-25.
[J22] Fan L, Tang F, Chen G*, Reis ST, Koenigstein ML. Corrosion resistances of steel pipe coated with two types of enamel by two coating processes. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27 (2018): 5341-5349.
[J21] Zhu C, Chen Y, Zhuang Y, Tang F, Huang J. An embeddable strain sensor with 30 nano-strain resolution based on optical interferometry. Inventions 3(2018): 1-9.
[J20] Tang F*, Yang J, Li H, Liu F, Wang N, Jia P, Chen Y. Field validation of a magnetic sensor to monitor borehole deviation during tunnel excavation. Materials 11(2018):1511.
[J19] Chen Y†, Tang F†, Li Z, Chen G and Tang Y*. Bridge scour monitoring using smart rocks based on magnetic field interference. Smart Materials and Structures 27(2018) 085012: 1-13.
[J18] Li Z, Tang Y, Tang F, Chen Y and Chen G*. Elastic buckling of thin-walled polyhedral pipe liners encased in a circular pipe under uniform external pressure. Thin-Walled Structures 123(2018): 214-221.
Before Joining DUT
[J17] Chen Y, Tang F*, Tang Y, O’Keefe MJ and Chen G*, Mechanism and sensitivity of Fe-C coated long period fiber grating sensors for steel corrosion monitoring of RC structures, Corrosion Science 127 (2017):70-81. (SCI/IF=6.479)
[J16] Deng Q, Yi W*, Tang F, Effect of coarse aggregate size on shear behavior of beams without shear reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal 114(2017):1131-1142. (SCI/IF=1.566)
[J15] Du Y, Chen Y, Zhuang Y, Zhu C, Tang F, Huang J*, Probing Nanostrain via a mechanically designed optical fiber interferometer, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, 29(2017):1348-1351. (SCI/IF=2.451)
[J14] Fan L, Tang F, Reis ST, Chen G* and Koenigstein ML, Corrosion resistance of steel pipes internally coated with enamel, Corrosion 73(2017):1335-1345. (SCI/IF=1.804)
[J13] Fan L, Tang F, Reis ST, Chen G* and Koenigstein ML, Corrosion resistance of transmission pipeline steel coated with five types of enamels, Acta Metallurgical Sinica (English Letters) 30(2017): 390-398. (SCI/IF=2.090)
[J12] Tang F, Bao Y, Chen Y, Tang Y and Chen G*, Impact and corrosion resistances of duplex epoxy/enamel coated plates. Construction and Building Materials 112(2016): 7-18. (SCI/IF=4.419)
[J11] Tang F, Chen G* and Brow RK, Chloride-induced corrosion mechanism and rate of enamel- and epoxy-coated deformed steel bars embedded in mortar, Cement and Concrete Research 82(2016): 58-73. (SCI/IF=8.328)
[J10] Bao Y, Tang F, Chen Y, Meng W, Huang Y and Chen G*, Concrete pavement monitoring with PPP-BOTDA distributed strain and crack sensors, Smart Structures and Systems 18(2016): 405-423. (SCI/IF=3.557)
[J9] Chen Y†, Tang F†, Bao Y, Tang Y and Chen G*, A Fe-C coated long period fiber grating sensor for corrosion induced mass loss measurement, Optics Letters 41(2016): 2306-2309. (SCI/IF=3.714)
[J8] Huang Y, Tang F, Liang X, Chen G*, Xiao H and Azarmi F, Steel bar corrosion monitoring with long period fiber gratings sensors coated with nano-iron/silicate particles and polyurethane, Structural Health Monitoring 14(2015):178-189. (SCI/IF=4.870)
[J7] Tang F, Chen G*, Brow RK and Koenigstein ML, Corrosion resistance of a sand particle-modified enamel coating applied to smooth steel bars, Materials 7(2014): 6632-6645. (SCI/IF=3.057)
[J6] Tang F, Lin Z, Chen G* and Yi W, Three-dimensional corrosion pit measurement and statistical mechanical degradation analysis of deformed steel bars subjected to accelerated corrosion, Construction and Building Materials 70(2014): 104-117. (SCI/IF=4.419)
[J5] Tang F, Cheng X, Chen G*, Brow RK, Volz JS and Koenigstein ML, Electrochemical behavior of enamel coated carbon steel in simulated concrete pore solution with various concentration of chloride, Electrochimica Acta 92(2013):36-46. (SCI/IF=6.215)
[J4] Tang F, Chen G*, Volz JS, Brow RK and Koenigstein ML, Cement modified enamel coating for enhanced corrosion resistance of steel reinforcing bars, Cement & Concrete Composites 35(2013): 171-180. (SCI/IF=6.257)
[J3] Tang F, Chen G*, Brow RK, Volz JS and Koenigstein ML, Corrosion resistance and mechanism of steel rebar coated with three types of enamel, Corrosion Science 59(2012): 157-168. (SCI/IF=6.479)
[J2] Tang F, Chen G*, Volz JS, Brow RK and Koenigstein ML, Microstructure and corrosion resistance of enamel coatings applied to smooth reinforcing steel, Construction and Building Materials 35(2012):376-384. (SCI/IF=4.419)
[J1] Yi W*, Kunnath SK, Sun X, Shi C and Tang F, Fatigue behavior of reinforced concrete beams with corroded steel reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal 107(2010): 526-533. (SCI/IF=1.566)
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
[C14] Tang F, Li C, Li H, Presuel-Moreno FJ, Fan L and Chen G, Probabilistic evaluation of service life of reinforced concrete beam element in marine environment, CORROSION2019, March 24-28, 2019, Nashville, TN, USA (EI)
[C13] Tang F, Li C, Li H, Fan L, Chen G and Presuel-Moreno FJ, Probabilistic modeling of the relationship between concrete crack width and corrosion-induced mass loss of steel bar, CORROSION2019, March 24-28, 2019, Nashville, TN, USA (EI)
[C12] Presuel-Moreno FJ, Casaneda C, Tang F, Corrosion protection of flexible fillers coated with steel strands and contaminated with fungi, CORROSION 2018, April 15-18, 2018, Phoenix, AZ, USA (EI)
[C11] Presuel-Moreno FJ, Tang F, Corrosion propagation of rebar embedded in low W/C binary concrete blends exposed to seawater, CORROSION 2018, April 15-18, 2018, Phoenix, AZ, USA (EI)
[C10] Tang F, Chen Y, Tang Y, Li Z, Chen G, Steel corrosion monitoring in concrete slab using a long period fiber grating assembly, CORROSION2017, NACE International, March 26-30, 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA. (EI)
[C9] Tang F, Chen Y, Tang Y, Chen G, Monitoring pitting corrosion growth in steel rebar using optical fiber,CORROSION2017, NACE International, March 26-30, 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA. (EI)
[C8] Tang F, Yan D, Chen G, Corrosion resistance and bond strength of steel bars coated with calcium silicate modified enamel, CORROSION 2015, NACE international, March 15-19, 2015, Dallas, Texas, USA. (EI)
[C7] Chen Y, Tang F, Bao Y, Chen G, Corrosion monitoring of steel bars embedded in mortar using Fe-C coated long period fiber gratings, CORROSION 2015, NACE international, March 15-19, 2015, Dallas, Texas, USA. (EI)
[C6] Bao Y, Chen G, Meng W, Tang F, Chen Y, Kilometer-long optical fiber sensor for real-time railroad infrastructure monitoring to ensure safe train operation, ASME/ASCE/IEEE 2015 Joint Rail Conference, March 23-26, San Jose, CA, USA.
[C5] Tang F, Chen G and Yi W, Corrosion-induced concrete cracking, steel-concrete bond loss, and mechanical degradation of steel bars, Advanced Materials Research 919-921(2014) 1760-1770. (EI)
[C4] Tang F, Chen G, Brow RK, Koenigstein ML, Electrochemical characteristics and equivalent circuit representation of steel-coating-mortar system by EIS, CORROSION 2014, NACE international, March 9-13, 2014, San Antonio, Texas, USA. (EI)
[C3] Tang F, Cheng X, Chen G, Brow RK, Jeffery SV, Koenigstein ML, Deterioration of enamel and epoxy coated steel rebar in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution, Applied Mechanics and Materials 2014 (2012): 4128-4136.
[C2] Tang F, Chen G, Jeffery SV, Brow RK, Koenigstein ML, Corrosion behavior of enamel coated steel rebar by EIS, Advanced Materials Research 450 (2012): 445-453. (EI)
[C1] Chen G, Tang F, Volz JS, Brow RK, Koenigstein ML, Chemically reactive enamel: a steel rebar coating for enhanced durability of concrete structures, The 3rd International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures, Belfast, United Kingdom, Sep. 17-19, 2012. (EI)
Journal Reviewer
Corrosion Science; Cement and Concrete Research; ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; Construction and Building Materials; Structural Health Monitoring; Sensors and Actuators A: Physical; Materials and Design; International Journal of Applied Glass Science; Progress in Organic Coatings; Sensors; Coatings; Metals; Materials; Atmosphere; Polymers; Surface Review and Letters; Smart Materials and Structures; Engineering Structures; Materials Research Express; International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics; Materials Letters; Journal of sensors.
Professional Affiliation
§ Associate Member, American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE)
§ Member, National Association of Corrosion Engineer (NACE)
§ Member, the Electrochemical Society (ECS)
§ Member, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
§ Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)