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学科:概率论与数理统计. 金融数学与保险精算
- [1]谢平, 丁杰, 王晓光.Leveraging External Aggregated Information for the Marginal Accelerated Failure Time Model.[J],Statistics in medicine,2024
- [2]谢平, 丁杰, 王晓光, Wang, Xiaoguang.Leveraging External Aggregated Information for the Marginal Accelerated Failure Time Model[J],Statistics in Medicine,2024
- [3]丁杰, Li, Jialiang, 王晓光.Efficient auxiliary information synthesis for cure rate model[J],JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES C-APPLIED STATISTICS,2024
- [4]耿子琪, Li, Jialiang, 牛一, 王晓光.Goodness-of-fit test for a parametric mixture cure model with partly interval-censored data.[J],Statistics in medicine,42(4):407-421
- [5]谢平, Han, Bo, 王晓光.Case-cohort studies for clustered failure time data with a cure fraction[J],STATISTICAL PAPERS,2024
- [6]丁杰, Li, Jialiang, Han, Yang, McKeague, Ian W., 王晓光.Fitting additive risk models using auxiliary information.[J],Statistics in medicine
- [7]梁宏凯, 王晓光, Peng, Yingwei, 牛一.Improving marginal hazard ratio estimation using quadratic inference functions.[J],Lifetime data analysis
- [8]李梦雨, 王晓光.Semiparametric model averaging method for survival probability predictions of patients[J],Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,185
- [9]Han, Bo, 王晓光.Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates[J],TEST,2024,32(2):496-498
- [10]Wang, Ziwen, Chenguang, 王晓光.Estimating causal effects in observational studies for survival data with a cure fraction using p...[J],Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift,e2100357
- [11]丁杰, 张梦琇, Li, Jialiang, 王晓光.CureAuxSP: An R package for estimating mixture cure models with auxiliary survival probabilities.[J],Computer methods and programs in biomedicine,251:108212
- [12]丁杰, Li, Jialiang, 王晓光.Renewable risk assessment of heterogeneous streaming time-to-event cohorts[J],STATISTICS IN MEDICINE,2024,43(20):3761-3777
- [13]Han, Bo, 王晓光.Semiparametric estimation for the non-mixture cure model in case-cohort and nested case-control...[J],COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS DATA ANALYSIS,2022,144
- [14]Wang, Xiaoguang, Han, Bo, XG (corresponding author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Math Sci, Dalian, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Efficient estimation for the non-mixture cure model with current status data[J],STATISTICS,2020,54(4):756-777
- [15]Niu, Yi, Wang, Xiaoguang, Cao, Hui, Peng, Yingwei, YW (corresponding author), Queens Univ, Dept Publ Hlth Sci, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada..Variable selection via penalized generalized estimating equations for a marginal survival model[J],STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH,2020,29(9):2493-2506
- [16]Han, Bo, Wang, Xiaoguang, XG (reprint author), Innovat Pk, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Semiparametric estimation for the non-mixture cure model in case-cohort and nested case-control...[J],COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS,2020,144
- [17]Wang, Xiaoguang, Song, Lixin, Sun, Leyuan, Gao, Hang, XG (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Nonparametric estimation of the ROC curve based on the Bernstein polynomial[J],JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE,2019,203:39-56
- [18]Zhang, Jun, Feng, Zhenghui, Wang, Xiaoguang, ZH (reprint author), Xiamen Univ, Sch Econ, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China., Feng, Wang Yanan Inst Studies Econ.A constructive hypothesis test for the single-index models with two groups[J],ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMATICS,2018,70(5):1077-1114
- [19]Niu, Yi, Peng, Yingwei, Wang, Xiaoguang, YW (reprint author), Queens Univ, Dept Publ Hlth Sci, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada..geecure: An R-package for marginal proportional hazards mixture cure models[J],COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE,2018,161:115-124
- [20]Wang, Xiaoguang, Lu, Dawei, Song, Lixin, XG (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Math Sci, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Robust image segmentation via Bayesian type criterion[J],COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS,2018,47(17):4215-4228