
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:哈尔滨工业大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:材料科学与工程学院
- 学科:材料学. 材料无损检测与评价
- 办公地点:材料馆320
- 联系方式:wuzhj@dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:wuzhj@dlut.edu.cn
[1] Yang Lei, Xu Hao, Liu Kehai, Gao Dongyue, Huang Yifan, Zhou Qin, Wu Zhanjun.Molecular dynamics simulation on the formation and development of interlayer dislocations in bilayer[J],Nanotechnology,2020,31(12):125704
[2] 王宏宇, 彭聪, 李世超, 刘新, 武湛君.Improvement of the liquid oxygen compatibility of epoxy via the addition of surface‐modified boehmi[J],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2019,135(44):46918-46918
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[4] Sun, Hu, Wang, Yishou, Qing, Xinlin, Wu, Zhanjun, XL (reprint author), Xiamen Univ, Sch Aerosp Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China..High Strain Survivability of Piezoceramics by Optimal Bonding Adhesive Design[J],SENSORS,2018,18(8)
[5] Gao, Dongyue, Wu, Zhanjun, Yang, Lei, Zheng, Yuebin, ZJ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Aeronaut & Astronaut, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Integrated impedance and Lamb wave-based structural health monitoring strategy for long-term cycle[J],STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL,2018,17(4):763-776
[6] Liu, Xin, Wang, Guohui, Pei, Jiahua, Zhi, Wu, Zhanjun, Z (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Aeronaut & Astronaut, Fac Vehicle Engn & Mech, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Fabrication and mechanical properties of a novel epoxy-hollow glass microsphere composite[J],JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018,52(12):1627-1632
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[8] 李世超, 王宏宇, 柳敏静, 彭聪, 武湛君.Epoxy‐functionalized polysiloxane reinforced epoxy resin for cryogenic application[J],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2018,136(2):46930-46930
[9] 王宏宇, 彭聪, 李世超, 刘新, 武湛君.Synthesis and application of a benzoxazine-type phosphorus-containing monomer on epoxy/benzoxazine c[J],Thermal stability and compatibility with liquid oxygen,2018,157:131-142
[10] 武湛君, 郑跃滨, 张佳奇, 刘科海, 姜又强, 周凯.Acoustoelastic guided wave propagation in axial stressed arbitrary cross-section[J],Smart Materials and Structures,2018
[11] 郑跃滨, 刘科海, 武湛君, 高东岳, 高进, 马书义, 雷振坤.Lamb waves and electro-mechanical impedance based damage detection using a mobile PZT transducer set[J],Ultrasonics,2018,92:13-20
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[13] 王宏宇, 武湛君, 孙涛.Morphology and crystalline evolution of tungsten induced by low-energy helium ions irradiation[J],Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,2018,319(1):75-81
[14] 刘新, 许乔奇, 何辉永, 武湛君, Wu, Zhanjun(wuzhj@dlut.edu.cn).单向碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料的超低温力学性能[J],复合材料学报,2017,34(11):2437-2445
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[16] 王宏宇, 孙涛, 彭聪, 武湛君.偶联剂种类对二氧化硅增韧环氧树脂低温性能影响[A],2017,1
[17] Liu, Xin, Pei, Jiahua, Minjing, Wang, Zhi, Lixin, Jing, Li, Wu, Zhanjun, MJ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Aeronaut & Astronaut, Fac Vehicle Engn & Mech, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China., Wang, Z (reprint author), Beijing Inst Astronaut Syst Engn, Beijing 100076.Microstructure and mechanical properties of textured TiB2 ceramic fabricated by combination of cat[J],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2017,200:217-222
[18] Yang, Lei, Li, Zhiwei, Sun, Tao, Wu, Zhanjun, L (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Aeronaut & Astronaut, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Effects of Gear-Shape Fibre on the Transverse Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Composites: [J],APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2017,24(5):1165-1178
[19] 刘新, 张建云, 朱与墨, 何辉永, 武湛君.湿热老化对复合材料超低温力学性能的影响[A],2017
[20] 刘新, 武湛君, 何辉永, 许乔奇, Wu, Zhanjun(wuzhj@dlut.edu.cn).超低温介质对碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料力学性能的影响[J],复合材料学报,2017,34(9):1944-1952