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[1]  Jingjing Yang, Pei Zhou, Lin Lan, Chun-Gang Zhu*, An isogeometric collocation method on implicitly trimmed domains, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 438 (2025) 117812.

[2]  Ye Ji*, Matthias Möllera, Yingying Yu, Chungang Zhu, Boundary parameter matching for isogeometric analysis using Schwarz–Christoffel mapping, Engineering with Computers, 40 (2024) 3929–3947.

[3]  Meng-Yun Wang, Ye Ji, Lin Lan, Chun-Gang Zhu*, MS-GIFT: Multi-Sided Geometry-Independent Field approximaTion approach for isogeometric analysis, Computer-Aided Design, special issue on SPM 2024, 173 (2024) 103731.  

[4]  Jingjing Yang, Chun-Gang Zhu*, An adaptive collocation method on implicit domains using weighted extended THB splines, Computer Aided Geometric Design, special issue on GMP 2024, 111 (2024) 102297.

[5]  Yi Zhang, Ye Ji, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Multi-patch parameterization method for isogeometric analysis using singular structure of cross-field, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 162 (2024) 61–78.

[6]  Lin Lan, Ye Ji, Meng-Yun Wang, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Full-LSPIA: A least-squares progressive-iterative approximation method with optimization of weights and knots for NURBS curves and surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, 169 (2024) 103673.

[7]  Meng-Yun Wang, Ye Ji, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Degree elevation and knot insertion for generalized Bézier surfaces and their application to isogeometric analysis, Journal of Computational Mathematics, doi:10.4208/jcm.2301-m2022-0116.

[8]  Ying-Ying Yu, Ye Ji, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Sufficient condition for injectivity of NURBS volumes by tangent cones, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 432 (2023), 115303.

[9]  Ye Ji, Meng-Yun Wang, Jing-Gai Li, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Curvature-based r-adaptive isogeometric analysis with injectivity-preserving multi-sided domain parameterization, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, special issue on CM 2021, 36(1) (2023): 53–76.

[10]  Pei Zhou, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Isogeometric collocation method based on residual parameterization of planar physical domain, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 422 (2023) 114889.

[11]  Ye Ji, Meng-Yun Wang, Yu Wang and Chun-Gang Zhu*, Curvature-based r-adaptive planar NURBS parameterization method for isogeometric analysis using multi-level approach, Computer-Aided Design, special issue on SPM 2022, 150 (2022), Article 103305.

[12]  Ye Ji, Meng-Yun Wang, Mao-Dong Pan, Yi Zhang and Chun-Gang Zhu*, Penalty function-based volumetric parameterization method for isogeometric analysis, Computer Aided Geometric Design, special issue on GMP 2022, 94(2022), Article 102081.

[13]  Ye Ji, Jing-Gai Li, Ying-Ying Yu, Chun-Gang Zhu*, h-Refinement method for toric parameterization of planar multi-sided computational domain in isogeometric analysis, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 93 (2022), Article 102065.

[14]  Ying-Ying Yu, Ye Ji, Jing-Gai Li, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Conditions for injectivity of toric volumes with arbitrary positive weights, Computers & Graphics, special issue on CAD/Graphics 2021 (Best Paper Award), 97 (2021), 88-98.

[15]  Ye Ji, Ying-Ying Yu, Meng-Yun Wang, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Constructing high-quality planar NURBS parameterization for isogeometric analysis by adjustment control points and weights, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 396 (2021), Article 113615.

[16]  Jing-Gai Li, Ye Ji, Chun-Gang Zhu*, De Casteljau algorithm and degree elevation of toric surface patches, Journal of System Sciences and Complexity, special issue on CM 2019, 34(1) (2021): 21–46.

[17]  Xuefeng Zhu, Ye Ji, Chungang Zhu*, Ping Hu, Zheng-Dong Ma, Isogeometric analysis for trimmed CAD surfaces using multi-sided toric surface patches, Computer Aided Geometric Design, special issue on Computational Geometric Design, 79 (2020), Article 101847.

[18]  Yan Wu, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Construction of triharmonic Bézier surfaces from boundary conditions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 377 (2020), Article 112906.

[19]  Ying-Ying Yu, Ye Ji, Chun-Gang Zhu*, An improved algorithm for checking the injectivity of 2D toric surface patches, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 79 (10) (2020), 2973-2986.