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Numerical and experimental study on SU-8UV photolithography


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2007-07-08

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus


Key Words:SU-8 photoresist; UV-lithography; Fresnel diffraction; dimensional tolerance; development model

Abstract:In this paper, the dimensional precision and tolerance of SU-8 photoresist micro structures are investigated quantitatively. An UV exposure improved model and a dimensional tolerance model based on Fresnel diffraction theory are established by considering the impact of the refractive index and absorption coefficient of SU-8 photoresist on dimensional precision of UV-photolithography. These models can be used to predict the dimension and tolerance of SU-8 photoresist microchannels, and the variation between the dimensional tolerance and the photolithographic parameters. The dimension and tolerance of SU-8 photoresist microstructure are simulated by MATLAB. Based on the UV exposure model, a simple development model was established by swelling theory, which can be used to predict the swelling trend of SU-8 photoresist during developing process. By this development model, the dimension change of SU-8 photoresist due to swelling in developing process has been researched quantitatively.

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