
- 任职 : 仪器仪表学会传感器分会理事;中国仪器仪表学会微纳器件与系统技术分会理事;IEEE会员
- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:生物医学工程学院
- 学科:微电子学与固体电子学. 生物医学工程. 电路与系统
- 电子邮箱:junyu@dlut.edu.cn
[61] 余隽,陈晓明,李月,张建伟,巢明,唐祯安.全定制集成电路设计实践教学研究[J],实验室科学,2014,17(2):152-154,158
[62] Li, Ying,Yu, Jun,Wu, Hao,Tang, Zhenan.Design and fabrication of a CMOS-compatible MHP gas sensor[J],AIP ADVANCES,2014,4(3)
[63] Zheng, Kai,Tang, Zhenan,Huang, Zhengxing,Wang, Liying,Bai, Suyuan,Yu, Jun.An anomalous wave-like kinetic energy transport in graphene nanoribbons at high heat flux[J],PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER,2014,434(1):64-68
[64] Li, Xiaoxin,Li, Xiaogan,Chen, Ning,Li, Xinye,Zhang, Jianwei,Yu, Jun,Wang, Jing,Tang, Zhenan.CuO-In2O3 Core-Shell Nanowire Based Chemical Gas Sensors[J],JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS,2014,2014
[65] 汪家奇,余隽.Fabrication Process and Electro-Thermal Modeling for the Cathode of the CMOS-Compatible Hot-Filament[A],2014
[66] Xia, Shufeng,Tang, Zhen'an,Yu, Jun,Zhang, Jiaqi,Cai, Haitao,Zhu, Huichao.Hydrothermally synthesized CuO based volatile organic compound gas sensor[J],RSC ADVANCES,2014,4(101):57975-57982
[67] 唐祯安,余隽,黄正兴.A low-cost infrared absorbing structure for an uncooled infrared detector[J],Journal of Semiconductors,2014,35(3):340141-340145
[68] 唐祯安,余隽,黄正兴.A DFT Study of ZnO Nanostructures for Gas Sensing[A],2014
[69] 余隽.Study on the Factors Influencing the Recognition Error of Dynamic Calibrated E-nose When It was Appl[A],2014
[70] 申宁,余隽,黄正兴,唐祯安.基于CMOS工艺的双层非制冷热敏电阻型红外探测器[J],光电子·激光,2014,25(5):845-850
[71] Chen, Minghan,Li, Xiaogan,Yu, Jun,Cai, Haitao,Quan, Xiaotong,Wang, Kaili,Zhang, Jiaqi,Zhu, Huichao.The Influence of Atmosphere on Electrical Property of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles[J],JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS,2014,2014
[72] Chen, Ning,Li, Xiaogan,Wang, Xueyan,Yu, Jun,Wang, Jing,Tang, Zhenan,Akbar, S. A..Enhanced room temperature sensing of Co3O4-intercalated reduced graphene oxide based gas sensors[J],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013,188:902-908
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[74] 冯冲,唐祯安,余隽.近场热辐射实验测量方法的进展[J],材料导报,2013,27(9):55-60
[75] 冯冲,余隽,薛严冰,唐祯安.一种新型MEMS器件中的近场辐射传热现象研究[J],传感技术学报,2013,26(2):170-174
[76] Feng, Chong,Tang, Zhenan,Yu, Jun,Sun, Changyu.A MEMS Device Capable of Measuring Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Membranes[J],SENSORS,2013,13(2):1998-2010
[77] 李晓干.Enhanced room temperature sensing of Co3O4-intercalated reduced[J],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B CHEMICAL,2013,188(无):902-908
[78] 李晓干,余隽,王兢,唐祯安.Enhanced room temperature sensing of Co3O4-intercalated reduced[J],Sensors and Actuators B Chemical,2013,188(无):902-908
[79] 余隽,唐祯安.Design and fabrication of a CMOS-compatible MHP gas sensor[A],2013
[80] 李月,余隽,刘一玮.集成电路课程设计中精英教学模式的探索[J],教育与教学研究论文集,2013,26:102-105