
- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:水利工程系
- 学科:港口、海岸及近海工程
- 电子邮箱:gouying@dlut.edu.cn
[1] 苏高飞, 勾莹, 滕斌.完全非线性波浪与二维固定结构物作用的IGN-BEM耦合分析模型[J],海洋工程,2024,41(3):1-13
[2] 苏高飞, 滕斌, 勾莹.Numerical investigation of the fully nonlinear wave force on a vertical cylinder in shallow water us[J],APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,2024,150
[3] Liu, Xindan, 勾莹, 滕斌.细长潜器在内孤立波作用下大幅运动的轨迹和姿态[J],Acta Armamentarii,2024,45(6):1854-1865
[4] 李籽琦, 滕斌, 勾莹.Two-dimensional diffraction and radiation problems of a floating body in varying bathymetry[J],APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,2024,150
[5] 胡昂荣, 刘忻丹, 唐鹏程, 王敏琪, 陈际丰, 勾莹.大型油船码头靠船墩导管架结构应力分析[J],中国海洋平台,2024,39(3):73-79
[6] 吴勇虎, 朱建赫, 李元芳, 勾莹, 于广欣, 于邦廷, 张一平.波浪对柔性薄膜式海上漂浮式光伏结构作用的试验研究[J],海洋工程,2024
[7] 滕斌, 李籽琦, 勾莹.Eigenfunction expansion solution for the radiation problem of a uniform cylinder in front of a parti[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2024,315
[8] 梁爽, 勾莹, 滕斌.A three-dimensional nonlinear hydroelastic model for rectangular floating elastic plates and the exa[J],JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES,2024,131
[9] Zhang, Zhigang, He, Guanghua, 勾莹, Luan, Zhengxiao, Liu, Shuang, Runhua.Wavelength manipulation in shallow water via space transformation method[J],PHYSICS OF FLUIDS,2024,35(11)
[10] 滕斌, 苏高飞, 勾莹, 陈丽芬.Eigenfunction expansion solution for wave diffraction from a uniform cylinder in front of a partiall[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,287
[11] 梁爽, 勾莹, 滕斌.The nonlinear wave interaction with a two-dimensional large-scale floating elastic plate[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,282
[12] 滕斌, 于梅, 勾莹, Sheng, Jinlu.Generalized hydrodynamic coefficients of a circular SFT in finite water depth[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,273
[13] Zhao, Binbin, Zhang, Tianyu, Wang, Zhan, Hayatdavoodi, Masoud, 勾莹, Ertekin, R. Cengiz, Duan, Wenyang.High-level Green-Naghdi model for large-amplitude internal waves in deep water[J],JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS,988
[14] 杨建业, 勾莹, 滕斌.Comparative Study on Numerical Computation Methods for Radiation Forces on a ThreeDimensional Body W[J],Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,2021,142
[15] 何则辰, 宁德志, 勾莹.Parameter Optimization in Wave Energy Converter by a Differential Evolution Algorithm[A],2021
[16] 苏高飞, 勾莹, 滕斌.利用Green-Naghdi模型对直墙前立波的数值模拟[A],2021
[17] 滕斌, 梁爽, 勾莹, Korobkin A.A., Malenica ?..Singularity in the second order flexural-gravity waves[A],2021
[18] 张新未, 勾莹, 徐文彪.双层流体中浮箱拖航阻力的实验研究[J],船舶力学,2021,24(8):981-988
[19] 滕斌, 梁爽, 勾莹.二阶挠曲重力波对直墙作用及其奇异解[J],大连理工大学学报,2021,60(5):530-536
[20] 张千千, 勾莹, 滕斌.Numerical Simulation of ‘Dead Water’ Resistance on A Box Structure in a Two-layer Fluid[A],2019