Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2012-02-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:517-521
ISSN No.:2095-2899
Key Words:finite element method; rectification moment; rectification angle; elastic modulus
Abstract:The finite element method is used to simulate the rectification process of shield machine, to study the relationship between rectification moment and angle and to explore the influence laws of different soil parameters and buried depth on rectification moment. It is hoped that the reference value of rectification moment can be offered to operator, and theoretical foundation can be laid for future automatic rectification technology. The results show that the rectification moment and angle generally exhibit good linear behavior in clay layers with different soil parameters or buried depths, and then the concept of rectification coefficient, that is, the ratio of rectification angle to rectification moment, is proposed; different soil parameters and buried depths have different influences on rectification coefficient, in which elastic modulus has great influence but others have little influences; the simulations of rectification process are preformed in clay layers with different elastic modulus, and fitting results show that elastic modulus and rectification coefficient present the quadratic function relation.