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- [1]张鹏宇, 鞠豪, Lu, Huchuan, Jia, Xu, Yu, Lei, He, Weihua, Wang, Yaoyuan, Zhang, Ziyang, Xu, Qi, 李胜铭, 王栋.Event-Assisted Blurriness Representation Learning for Blurry Image Unfolding[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING,2024,33:5824-5836
- [2]Liu, Chang, Zhao, Jie, Bo, Chunjuan, 李胜铭, Wang, Dong, Lu, Huchuan.LGTrack: Exploiting Local and Global Properties for Robust Visual Tracking[J],IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,2024,34(9):8161-8171
- [3]张新宇, 黄贺飞, 贾旭, Chen, Wenyue, 王栋, 李胜铭, 卢湖川.Multi-Stage Fusion for Event-based Multimodal Tracker[A],Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo,2024
- [4]祝嘉文, 唐华意, Cheng, Zhi-Qi, He, Jun-Yan, Luo, Bin, Qiu, Shihao, 李胜铭, 卢湖川.DCPT: Darkness Clue-Prompted Tracking in Nighttime UAVs[A],Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,2024,7381-7388
- [5]张鹏宇, 鞠豪, He, Weihua, Wang, Yaoyuan, Zhang, Ziyang, 李胜铭, 王栋, 卢湖川, 贾旭.Event-Assisted Recurrent Network for Arbitrary-Temporal-Scale Blurry Image Unfolding[J],IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2024
- [6]周子杰, 展金, 李胜铭, 张德锋, 高品, 张慧娜.复杂环境下的烧结机篦条故障实时检测方法研究[J],机械科学与技术,2024
- [7]陈彪, 李胜铭, Lv, Zongyang.Two Algorithms Based on Iterative Optimization for UAV Path Planning[A],Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems, ICUS 2023,2024,1523-1528
- [8]李胜铭, 郝智贤, 吴振宇.光伏电池的数字三端口DC-DC变换器设计[J],实验室研究与探索,2024,42(05):62-67
- [9]Kong, Mingjun, 李胜铭, Lv, Zongyang.Attitude solving method based on fusion of Madgwick and EFK[A],Proceedings - 2023 38th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, YAC 2023,2024,177-182
- [10]Liu, Yubo, 刘煜博, 李胜铭, Li, Shengming.A Morphing Quadrotor with Transformable Arms: Modelling, Control and Simulation[A],Proceedings - 2024 39th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, YAC 2024,2024,1465-1470
- [11]刘涛, Liu, Tao, 朱理, 李胜铭, Zhu, Li, Li, Shengming.Design and Implementation of Two-wheeled Self-Balancing Robot based on LQR[A],Proceedings - 2024 39th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, YAC 2024,2024,2057-2062
- [12]张鹏宇, 殷皓, 王泽仁, Chen, Wenyue, 李胜铭, 王栋, 卢湖川, 贾旭.EvSign: Sign Language Recognition and Translation with Streaming Events[J],arXiv,2024
- [13]Zhang, Pengyu, Lu, Huchuan, Jia, Xu, Ju, Hao, Yu, Lei, He, Weihua, Wang, Yaoyuan, Ziyang, Xu, Qi, 李胜铭, Dong.Event-assisted Blurriness Representation Learning for Blurry Image Unfolding[J],IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2024
- [14]张德锋, 李胜铭, 张巍, 林立, 高品, 张慧娜.基于智能视觉及APC的烧结球团物料粒度控制系统[J],冶金能源,2024,43(05):41-48
- [15]胡方圆, 刘思洋, 李胜铭, 刘程, 喻桂鹏, 宋策, 邵文龙, 张天鹏, 蹇锡高.High and ultra-stable energy storage from all-carbon sodium-ion capacitor with 3D framework carbo...[J],J. Energy Chem.,2022
- [16]胡方圆, 李胜铭, 刘程, 蹇锡高.High and ultra-stable energy storage from all-carbon sodium-ion capacitor with 3D framework carbo...[J],J. Energy Chem.,2022,55:304-312
- [17]吴振宇, Li, Kun, 吴玉虎, Zhang, Xin, 李胜铭.IndexSample: A Learnable Sampling Network in Point Cloud Classification[A],2021 60th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2021,2022,577-582
- [18]李胜铭, 吴振宇.便携式RFID实验教学平台设计与应用[J],实验科学与技术,2022
- [19]Lv, Zong-Yang, 李胜铭, 吴玉虎, 王庆国.Adaptive Control for a Quadrotor Transporting a Cable-Suspended Payload With Unknown Mass in the ...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY,2022,70(9):8505-8518
- [20]李胜铭, Xu, Wenqiang, 冯林, 邱铁.A greedy multiple fixed node networking algorithm for indoor environmental monitoring scenarios[A],3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things, SmartIoT 2019,2022,107-112