Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2017-02-01
Journal:Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Included Journals:EI
ISSN No.:07413335
Abstract:Scrape-off layer plasma simulation modeling has been carried out to assess the effect of tightly closing the lower divertor in DIII-D, which at present is almost fully open, on the achievement of cold dissipative/detached divertor conditions. To isolate the impact of other factors on the divertor plasma solution and to make direct comparisons, most of the parameters including the meshes were kept as similar as possible. Only the neutral baffling was modified to compare a fully open divertor with a tightly closed one. The modeling shows that the tightly closed divertor greatly improves trapping of recycling neutrals, thereby increasing radiative and charge exchange losses in the divertor and reducing the electron temperature Tetand deposited power density qdepat the target plate. Furthermore, the closed structure enables the divertor plasma to enter into highly dissipative and detached divertor conditions at a significantly lower upstream density. The effects of divertor closure on the neutral density and pressure, and their correlation with the divertor plasma conditions are also demonstrated. The effect of molecular D2-ion D+elastic collisions and neutral-neutral collisions on the divertor plasma solution are assessed. © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd.