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The role of pumping on the particle removal and divertor plasma condition


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2017-07-01

Page Number:1

Key Words:偏滤器

Abstract:SOLPS modeling has been carried out to examine the effect of divertor geometry on divertor plasma dynamics approaching detached conditions,focusing on configurations with strong closure to maximize divertor power and momentum dissipation [1][2].Control of heat flux and erosion at plasma-facing components(PFC),especially,divertor target plates,is a major issue for design and operation of next-step high-power steady-state fusion devices.This necessitates the achievement of highly dissipative or detached divertor conditions to maintain both the heat flux below 10 MW/m~2(i.e.,within the power exhaust capability for solid both graphite and tungsten) and divertor plasma temperature below 5 e V to suppress sputtering at the PFC surface [3].Experimental studies of divertor closure of plasma solutions in DIII-D indicated that the onset of divertor detachment occurs at lower pedestal plasma density for a closed divertor [4].To further study the divertor baffling effects on the detachment,the Small Angle Slot(SAS) diver...

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