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- [21]唐谦, Wei KX, 张桂勇, Sun XG.A fully automatic h-adaptive analysis procedure using the edge-based smoothed point interpolation...[J],International Journal of Computational methods,2018,15(7):1845001-
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- [25]张桂勇, 邹丽, 姜胜超, 宗智.A New TVD Scheme for Gradient Smoothing Method Using Unstructured Grids[J],International Journal of Computational Methods,2018,15(6)
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- [30]Li, Eric, He, Z. C., Tang, Qian, Zhang, G. Y., ZC (reprint author), Hunan Univ, State Key Lab Adv Design & Mfg Vehicle Body, Changsha 410082, Hunan, Peoples R China..Large time steps in the explicit formulation of transient heat transfer[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2017,108:2040-2052
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