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- [1]王恒, 孙铁志, 路中磊, 张桂勇, 宗智.球体入水空泡演变和运动特性影响试验研究[J],爆炸与冲击,2019,39(12):88-96
- [2]Zhang, Guiyong, Huang, Huakun, Sun, Tiezhi, Li, Ning, Zhou, Bo, Zhe.Analysis of the performance of a new developed shear stress transport model in a turbulent impi...[J],PHYSICS OF FLUIDS,2019,31(11)
- [3]Zhang, Guiyong, Hui, Da, Li, Zou, Li, Jiang, Shengchao, Zong, Zhi, GY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Liaoning Engn Lab Deep Sea Floating Struct, Sch Naval Architecture Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A New TVD Scheme for Gradient Smoothing Method Using Unstructured Grids[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS,2020,17(3)
- [4]Tang, Qian, Sun, Xiaogang, Zhang, Guiyong, Wei, Kexiang.A Fully Automatic h-Adaptive Analysis Procedure Using the Edge-Based Smoothed Point Interpolati...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS,2020,17(2)
- [5]Jiang, Sheng-Chao, Sun, Zhe, Feng, Aichun, Zhang, Gui-Yong, AC (reprint author), Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Singapore 117576, Singapore..On hydrodynamic behavior of fluid resonance in moonpool and its suppression by using various co...[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2019,192
- [6]黄华坤, 张桂勇, 孙铁志, 宗智.基于一方程转捩模型的狭缝冲击射流传热数值模拟[J],中国舰船研究,2019,14(2):144-149
- [7]Xu, Youyun, Zhang, Guiyong, Zhou, Bo, Wang, Haiying, Tang, Qian, GY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, Liaoning Engn Lab Deep Sea Floating Struct, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Analysis of acoustic radiation problems using the cell-based smoothed radial point interpolatio...[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2019,108:447-458
- [8]黄华坤, 孙铁志, 尤天庆, 张桂勇, 回达, 宗智, Zhang, Guiyong.考虑转捩的SST模型在冲击射流传热中的应用[J],西安交通大学学报,2019,53(5):92-99
- [9]孙哲, 尹恒辉, 张桂勇, 宗智.基于改进MPS方法的三维时域水弹性计算模型[J],船舶力学,2019,23(8):948-956
- [10]陈泽聪, 陈毓珍, 何智成, 张桂勇, 王海英, Zhang, Guiyong.应用混合单元基光滑点插值法的声固耦合分析[J],振动与冲击,2019,38(8):238-245
- [11]Hou, Zhao, Sun, Tiezhi, Quan, Xiaobo, Zhang, Guiyong, Zhe, Zong, Zhi, GY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, Liaoning Engn Lab Deep Sea Floating Struct, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Large eddy simulation and experimental investigation on the cavity dynamics and vortex evolutio...[J],APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,2018,81:76-92
- [12]Zhang, Guiyong, Wang, Yaomei, Jiang, Yong, Yichen, Zong, Zhi.A Combination of Singular Cell-Based Smoothed Radial Point Interpolation Method and FEM in Solv...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS,2018,15(8)
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- [14]Huang, Huakun, Sun, Tiezhi, Lei, Zong, Zhi, Zhang, Guiyong, GY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, Liaoning Engn Lab Deep Sea Floating Struct, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Modeling and computation of turbulent slot jet impingement heat transfer using RANS method with...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,126:589-602
- [15]张桂勇, 陶东松, 陈泽聪, 陈毓珍.结合虚拟点的单元基光滑点插值法在结构动力学分析中的应用[J],西安交通大学学报,2018,52(11):142-149
- [16]张桂勇, 孙铁志, 于大鹏, 王海英, 鲁欢.基于点基局部光滑点插值法的结构动力分析[J],振动与冲击,2018,37(17):241-248
- [17]Hui, Da, Zhang, Guiyong, Yao, Jianyao, A-Man, Wang, Shuangqiang, Zong, Zhi, GY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Numerical simulation of flow past a bluff body of two different shapes using gradient smoothing...[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2018,94:34-43
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- [20]Hui, D., Zhang, G. Y., Yu, D. P., Sun, Z., Zong, GY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Naval Architecture, Liaoning Engn Lab Deep Sea Floating Struct, Dalian, Peoples R China..Numerical study of advection schemes for interface-capturing using gradient smoothing method[J],NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B-FUNDAMENTALS,2018,73(4):242-261