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Springback Simulation in Air Bending of Titanium Alloy Sheet Using Solid Shell Element


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2016-01-01

Included Journals:CPCI-S


Page Number:596-602

Key Words:springback; air bending; solid shell element; mesh discretization; integration scheme

Abstract:Accuracy improvement of springback prediction is a major concern in finite element simulation of sheet metal bending process, especially for the materials with high elastic recovery. This work adopts solid shell finite element for springback simulation and improves the simulation accuracy by means of rationalizing mesh discretization and through-thickness integration scheme. Meanwhile, air bending experiment of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V was carried out to examine the simulation result. Research results demonstrate that solid shell element has better performance than thick shell element in springback simulation. The accuracy can be improved evidently by extending the mesh refinement area to 2 times of sheet thickness from the bending corner. The optimal number of integration points varies with the bending radius and the limited error tolerance.

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