第一作者:Qi, Chang
通讯作者:Yang, S (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Sch Automot Engn, B1211 Innovat Pk,2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China.
合写作者:Yang, Shu,Yang, Li-Jun,Wei, Zhi-Yong,Lu, Zhen-Hua
关键字:Sandwich; Optimization; Blast; Impact; Finite element; Robustness
摘要:In this work, a group of metallic aluminum foam-cored sandwich panels (AFSPs) were used as vehicle armor against blast loading. The dynamic responses of the AFSPs with various combinations of face-sheet materials were analyzed using LS-DYNA. It was found that the AFSP with an aluminum (AA2024 T3) front face and a Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA) steel back face (labeled T3-AF-RHA) outperformed the other panel configurations in terms of maximum back face deflection (MaxD) and areal specific energy absorption (ASEA). It was also found that boundary conditions and the standoff distance (SoD) between an explosive and a target surface both have a remarkable influence on the blast response of the AFSPs. Using artificial neural network (ANN) approximation models, multi-objective design optimization (MDO) of the T3-AF-RHA panel was performed both with and without variations in blast load intensity. The optimization results show that the two objectives of MaxD minimization and ASEA maximization conflict with each other and that the optimal designs must be identified in a Pareto sense. Moreover, the Pareto curves obtained are different for varied blast impulse levels. Consequently, it is concluded that loading variation should be considered when designing such sandwich armors to achieve more robust blast-resistant performance. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.