
- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:机械工程学院
- 学科:车辆工程
- 电子邮箱:yangshu@dlut.edu.cn
[1] 杨姝.Multiobjective optimization for empty and foam-filled square columns under oblique impact loading[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING,2022,54:177-191
[2] 杨姝.Blast-resistant improvement of sandwich armor structure with aluminum foam composite[J],Advances in Materials Science and Engineering,2022,9:1-8
[3] 杨姝.Crashworthiness design for reinforced thin-walled column under oblique impact using a Magic Cube app[A],2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, ICMEME 2011,2022,148-149:1175-1178
[4] 杨姝.Performance assessment and optimal design of hybrid material bumper for pedestrian lower extremity[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES,2022,165
[5] 杨姝.A Comparative Study of Ballistic Resistance of Sandwich Panels with Aluminum Foam and Auxetic Honeyc[J],Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2022,9:1-15
[6] 杨姝,刘国平,亓昌,王大志.金属空心球梯度泡沫结构抗冲击特性仿真与优化[J],浙江大学学报(工学版),2016,50(8):1593-1599
[7] 杨姝.Topology optimization design of multiconstraint continuum structure using sequential quadratic progr[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY,2022,33(1):109-123
[8] 杨姝.Crashworthiness Design for Reinforced Thin-walled Column under Oblique Impact using a Magic Cube App[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2022,148(148):1175-1178
[9] 亓昌.Crushing analysis and multiobjective crashworthiness optimization of tapered square tubes under ob[J],THIN WALLED STRUCTURES,2022,59:103-119
[10] 孙勇.Multi-objective optimization of hybrid material bumper for pedestrian protection[A],The World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,2022
[11] 亓昌.Numerical simulation of force enhancement by cellular material under blast load[J],Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2022,9:1-10
[12] 亓昌.Ballistic Resistance of Honeycomb Sandwich Panels under In-Plane High-Velocity Impact[J],Scientific World Journal,2022,2013:892781
[13] 亓昌.Multi-objective optimization design of hybrid material bumper for pedestrian protection and crashwor[A],SAE Technical Paper,2022
[14] 亓昌.Blast resistance and multi-objective optimization of aluminum foam-cored sandwich panels[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2022,105:45-57
[15] 亓昌.Crashworthiness and lightweight optimisation of thin-walled conical tubes subjected to an oblique [J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS,2022,19(4):334-351
[16] 亓昌.Multi-scale characterization of novel re-entrant circular auxetic honeycombs under quasi-static crus[J],THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES,2022,169
[17] Qia, Chang.On design of hybrid material double-hat thin-walled beams under lateral impact[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES,2022,118:21-35
[18] Pei, Lian-Zheng.Parametric analysis and multi-objective optimization of auxetic honeycomb cored sandwich panel under[A],13th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, SILOS 2019,2022,381-390
[19] 亓昌.Parametric study and optimization of the protect system containing a re-entrant hexagon cored sand[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2022,252
[20] 亓昌.Quasi-static crushing behavior of novel re-entrant circular auxetic honeycombs[J],COMPOSITES PART B ENGINEERING,2022,197