- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:机械工程学院
- 学科:车辆工程
- 电子邮箱:yangshu@dlut.edu.cn
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[22] 亓昌.Dynamic Response and Optimal Design of Curved Metallic Sandwich Panels under Blast Loading[J],Scientific World Journal,2022,2014:853681
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[25] Ye, Hui.Improvement of side crashworthiness of car body using hot forming high strength steel[J],吉林大学学报 工学版,2022,40(SUPPL.1):101-105
[26] 亓昌.Impact and close-in blast response of auxetic honeycomb-cored sandwich panels: Experimental tests [J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2022,180:161-178
[27] 杨姝.Topology optimization of a parallel hybrid electric vehicle body in white[A],2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, ICMEME 2011,2022,148-149:668-671
[28] 亓昌.A comparative study on empty and foam-filled hybrid material double-hat beams under lateral impact[J],THIN WALLED STRUCTURES,2022,129:327-341
[29] 亓昌.Advanced honeycomb designs for improving mechanical properties: A review[J],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022,227
[30] 严磊.An integrated topology optimization method for spot weld layout design of automotive body structures[A],The World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,2022
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[32] 杨姝.Energy Absorption of an Re-entrant Honeycombs with Negative Poisson’s Ratios[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,148(148):992-995
[33] 亓昌,韩元吉,杨姝,吕振华.考虑气动阻力和横风稳定的汽车车身多目标优化设计[J],汽车安全与节能学报,2020,11(1):53-60
[34] 亓昌,孙勇,杨姝.Multi-objective optimization design of hybrid material bumper for pedestrian protection and crashwor[A],2020
[35] 亓昌,舒剑,杨姝,郝鹏程.金字塔型点阵材料夹芯板抗爆性能仿真与优化[J],振动与冲击,2019,38(16):245-252
[36] 严磊,杨姝,于晨,亓昌.An integrated topology optimization method for spot weld layout design of automotive body structures[A],2019
[37] 孙勇,杨姝,亓昌.Multi-objective optimization of hybrid material bumper for pedestrian protection[A],2019
[38] Qi, Chang,Remennikov, Alex,Pei, Lian-Zheng,Yang, Shu,Yu, Zhi-Hang,Ngo, Tuan D..Impact and close-in blast response of auxetic honeycomb-cored sandwich panels: Experimental tests [J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2017,180:161-178
[39] Qia, Chang,Sun, Yong,Hu, Hai Tao,Wang, Da-Zhi,Cao, Guang-Jun,Yang, Shu.On design of hybrid material double-hat thin-walled beams under lateral impact[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES,2016,118:21-35
[40] Qi, Chang,Yang, Shu.Crashworthiness and lightweight optimisation of thin-walled conical tubes subjected to an oblique [J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS,2014,19(4):334-351