
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:控制科学与工程学院
- 学科:控制理论与控制工程. 模式识别与智能系统. 导航、制导与控制
- 办公地点:控制科学与工程学院海山楼A628
- 联系方式:dwang[@]dlut.edu.cn
[21] Wang, Dong, Wei.An Optimal Algorithm for High-order Multi-Agent Systems with Event-Triggered Communication[A],2016,235-240
[22] Liu, Jiao, Wang, Dong, Wei, Zhuang, Yan, D (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Control Sci & Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Positive stabilization for switched linear systems under asynchronous switching[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL,2016,26(11):2338-2354
[23] Wang, Dong, Zidong, Li, Guoyang, Wei, D (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Control Sci & Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Distributed Filtering for Switched Nonlinear Positive Systems With Missing Measurements Over Senso[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2016,16(12):4940-4948
[24] Wang, Dong, Zhang, Ning, Jianliang, Lian, Jie, Wei.Distributed Containment Control of Multi-agent Systems without Dynamic Observers of Leaders[A],2016,2016-July:143-148
[25] Liu, Dan, Lian, Jie, Wang, Jun, Dong.Input-to-state stability and stabilization of impulsive switched nonlinear systems[A],2016,2202-2207
[26] Wang, Dong, Li, Guoyang, Wei, Guo, Xintong.A New Model for a Traffic Flow Based on Multi-agent and Positive Switched Systems[A],2016,306-310
[27] 连捷, 王宏伟, 王东.Exponential stabilization of nonlinear switched systems with actuator[A],2016
[28] Wang, Zehua, Lian, Jie, Dong, Wei.Adaptive Output Tracking of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unmodeled Dynamics[A],2016
[29] Wang, Dong, Zehua, Wei, Lian, Jie.Event-triggered based containment control of multi-agent systems with general linear dynamics[A],2015,1064-1069
[30] Zhang, Ning, Wang, Dong, Wei, Chen, Chang.A PD-like protocol to average consensus in networks of multi-agents with both switching topology a[A],2015,2123-2128
[31] 王东, 王伟.Stabilization of discrete-time switched positive systems based on lossy networks[A],2015,4585-4590
[32] Wang, Dong, Jianliang, Lian, Jie, Wei.Stabilization of Positive Switched Delay Systems with a Hysteresis Switching Law[A],2014,1136-1141
[33] Wang, Dong, Lian, Jie, Ge, Yanli, Wei.Sliding mode control for switched nonlinear systems under asynchronous switching[A],2014,2014-January(January):3272-3277
[34] Wang, Dong, Li, Guoyang, Wei.Fault detection of switched positive systems based on lossy networks[A],2014,5644-5648
[35] Wang, Dong, Jianliang, Wei.Fault tolerant control and detection of networked control systems with Markov packet dropouts[A],2014,5638-5643
[36] Wang, Dong, Shi, Peng, Wei, Karimi, Hamid R., D (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Elect Informat & Elect Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Non-fragile H infinity control for switched stochastic delay systems with application to water qua[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL,2014,24(11):1677-1693
[37] Wang, Dong, Wei.Distributed Fault Detection and Isolation for Discrete Time Multi-agent Systems[A],2014,462:496-505
[38] Wang D., Wang W., Wang, D., School of Control Science, Engineering, Dalian University of TechnologyChina.Distributed fault detection and isolation for discrete time multi-agent systems[J],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2014,462:496-505
[39] Wang, Dong, Jianliang, Shi, Peng, Wei.Output regulation of time delay systems based on internal model principle[A],2013,1633-1638
[40] Wang, Dong, Jianliang, Wei, D (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Elect Informat & Elect Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Output feedback control of networked control systems with packet dropouts in both channels[J],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2013,221:544-554