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Effects of feedstock availability on the negative ion behavior in a C4F8 inductively coupled plasma


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2015-07-21


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



ISSN No.:0021-8979

Abstract:In this paper, the negative ion behavior in a C4F8 inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is investigated using a hybrid model. The model predicts a non-monotonic variation of the total negative ion density with power at low pressure (10-30 mTorr), and this trend agrees well with experiments that were carried out in many fluorocarbon (fc) ICP sources, like C2F6, CHF3, and C4F8. This behavior is explained by the availability of feedstock C4F8 gas as a source of the negative ions, as well as by the presence of low energy electrons due to vibrational excitation at low power. The maximum of the negative ion density shifts to low power values upon decreasing pressure, because of the more pronounced depletion of C4F8 molecules, and at high pressure (similar to 50 mTorr), the anion density continuously increases with power, which is similar to fc CCP sources. Furthermore, the negative ion composition is identified in this paper. Our work demonstrates that for a clear understanding of the negative ion behavior in radio frequency C4F8 plasma sources, one needs to take into account many factors, like the attachment characteristics, the anion composition, the spatial profiles, and the reactor configuration. Finally, a detailed comparison of our simulation results with experiments is conducted. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.

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