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Saliency Detection via Cellular Automata


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2015-06-07

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、SCIE、Scopus


Page Number:110-119

Abstract:In this paper, we introduce Cellular Automata-a dynamic evolution model to intuitively detect the salient object. First, we construct a background-based map using color and space contrast with the clustered boundary seeds. Then, a novel propagation mechanism dependent on Cellular Automata is proposed to exploit the intrinsic relevance of similar regions through interactions with neighbors. Impact factor matrix and coherence matrix are constructed to balance the influential power towards each cell's next state. The saliency values of all cells will be renovated simultaneously according to the proposed updating rule. It's surprising to find out that parallel evolution can improve all the existing methods to a similar level regardless of their original results. Finally, we present an integration algorithm in the Bayesian framework to take advantage of multiple saliency maps. Extensive experiments on six public datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

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