Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2014-01-01
Journal:Studies in Computational Intelligence
Included Journals:Scopus
Page Number:1-31
ISSN No.:1860949X
Abstract:Active Shape Model (ASM) is a model-based method, which makes use of a prior model of what is expected in the image, and typically attempts to find the best match position between the model and the data in a new image. It has been successfully applied to many problems and we apply ASM to the face recognition. We represent all shapes with a set of landmarks to form a Point Distribution Model (PDM) respectively. After landmarks alignment and Principal Component Analysis, we construct gray-level profile for each landmark in all multi-resolution versions of a training image. In search procedure, we give the model's position an initial estimate. We adopt a lot of improvements to the classical ASM, such as increasing the width of search profile to reduce the effect of noise, grouping landmarks to avoid mouth shape distort in the search procedure and altering the direction of search profile. ? 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.