
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:中山大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:信息与通信工程学院
- 学科:通信与信息系统. 信号与信息处理
- 办公地点:大连理工大学创新园大厦A424
- 联系方式:0411-84707053
- 电子邮箱:hxyin@dlut.edu.cn
[41] Design and Implementation of Underwater Wireless Optical Communication System with High-speed and Fu,2018 10th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN2018),2018
[42] An Algorithm of Virtual Network Mapping for Underwater Wireless Optical Networks[J],Photonic Network Communications,2018,36(1)
[43] Exploration on Phase-Shift Characteristics of Radio Frequency Signals for Radio over Fiber Transmiss,ACTA OPTICA SINICA,2018,38(5)
[44] Securing Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad hoc Networks with Fog Computing,Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks,2018,40(1)
[45] Secure Social Networks in 5G Systems with Mobile Edge Computing, Caching and Device-to-Device (D2D) [J],IEEE Wireless Communications,2018,25(3)
[46] High-efficient full-duplex WDM-RoF system with sub-central station,Optics Communications,2018,414(3)
[47] Integrated Networking, Caching and Computing for Connected Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning A,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2018,67(1)
[48] High-efficient full-duplex WDM-RoF system with sub-central station,Optics Communications,2018,414(1)
[49] 刘安良, 殷洪玺, 吴宾, 刘畅.光载无线通信系统射频信号相移特性研究[J],光学学报,2018,38(5):0506003
[50] Software-defined Networks with Mobile Edge Computing and Caching for Smart Cities: A Big Data Deep R,IEEE Communications Magazine,2017,55(12)
[51] Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Optimization for Cache-Enabled Opportunistic Interference Alignmen,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2017,66(11)
[52] Resource Allocation in Software-Defined and Information-Centric Vehicular Networks with Mobile Edge ,2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall 2017),2017
[53] Optimization of cache-enabled opportunistic interference alignment wireless networks: A big data dee,2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2017),2017
[54] Design and implementation of IFoF high-speed full-duplex system based on 28GHz base-station,2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN2017),2017
[55] , H. Yin.Investigation and System Implementation of Flexible-bandwidth Switching for Software-defined Space I,IEEE Photonics Journal,2017,19(3)
[56] Numerical Simulation and Experiment on Optical Packet Header Recognition Utilizing Reservoir Computi,IEEE Photonics Journal,2017,19(1)
[57] H. Yin.Investigation and System Implementation of Flexible-bandwidth Switching for Software-defined Space I[J],IEEE Photonics Journal,2017,9(3):1-15
[58] Big Data Analytics in Mobile Cellular Networks,IEEE Access,2016,4(1)
[59] Design and implementation of flexible TWDM-PON with PtP WDM overlay based on WSS for next-generation,Modern Physics Letters B,2016,30(16)
[60] Identification and suppression of the time delay signature of wavelength chaos,Optical Review,2016,23(1)