
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:中山大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:信息与通信工程学院
- 学科:通信与信息系统. 信号与信息处理
- 办公地点:大连理工大学创新园大厦A424
- 联系方式:0411-84707053
- 电子邮箱:hxyin@dlut.edu.cn
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[10] 梁彦军, 季秀阳, 王建英, 殷洪玺, 景连友.Solution for Self-Interference of NOMA-Based Wireless Optical Communication System in Underwater Tur[J],IEEE Access,2024,11:30223-30236
[11] Liu, Anliang, Zhang, Ruolin, Lin, Bin, 殷洪玺.Multi-Degree-of-Freedom for Underwater Optical Wireless Communication with Improved Transmission Per[J],JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2024,11(1)
[12] 沈众卫, 季秀阳, 梁彦军, 王建英, 殷洪玺, 景连友.A Power Control-Aided Q-Learning-Based Routing Protocol for Optical-Acoustic Hybrid Underwater Senso[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GREEN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING,2024,7(4):2117-2129
[13] 曾令彪, 季秀阳, 殷洪玺, Wang, Xinge.A Channel Adaptive MIMO Spatial Multiplexing UWOC System Based on Deep Learning Encoder/Decoder[A],2023 4th Information Communication Technologies Conference, ICTC 2023,2024,27-33
[14] Zhang, Shuo, 季秀阳, 梁彦军, 殷洪玺.Orthogonal Phase Screen Modeling Method and System Performance Analysis of Arbitrary Direction Optic[A],2023 4th Information Communication Technologies Conference, ICTC 2023,2024,54-59
[15] 梁彦军, 季秀阳, 王建英, 殷洪玺, 景连友.BER analysis for PAM-based UWOC-NOMA system in oceanic turbulence environment[J],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,545
[16] 沈众卫, 季秀阳, 黄安, 殷洪玺, Xing, Fangyuan.A distributed routing-aware power control scheme for underwater wireless sensor networks[J],Computer Communications,210:10-21
[17] 梁彦军, 黄安, 王建英, 殷洪玺, Ji, Xiuyang.Underwater wireless optical NOMA communication experiment system exploiting GaN-based micro-LED arra[J],Chinese Optics Letters,2024,22(3)
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