大连理工大学  登录  English 

副教授   硕士生导师

性别: 男

毕业院校: 奥尔堡大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 机械工程学院

学科: 机械设计及理论. 机械制造及其自动化. 机械电子工程

办公地点: 西部校区知方楼9013

联系方式: 15940994026

电子邮箱: gwu@dlut.edu.cn



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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


发表时间: 2020-01-01

发表刊物: Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering

卷号: 31

期号: 17

页面范围: 2050-2058

ISSN号: 1004-132X

摘要: Stiffness and performance of Delta-CU were studied herein. Compliance model of limb was established by using virtual spring method, and the static equations of the limb were given. Kinematic differential mapping was obtained by the screw theory, and the Cartesian stiffness matrix of the mechanisms was obtained by making use of the static equations. Finite element analyses showed that the matrix is applicable in the stiffncss analysis. Finally, based on the defined virtual work stiffness index, the Delta-CU mechanism under given parameters was analyzed and compared with the Delta mechanisms, which shows that the Delta-CU mechanism has the same translational stiffness with the conventional Delta mechanisms. © 2020, China Mechanical Engineering Magazine Office. All right reserved.

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