- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:系统工程研究所
- 学科:企业管理. 管理科学与工程
- 办公地点:大连理工大学经济管理学院大楼D626
- 联系方式:13940922675
- 电子邮箱:guoyh@dlut.edu.cn
[41] 郭艳红, 尹波, 杨小杰.客户终生价值测度模型的应用研究——基于大连友好商城的案例分析[J],管理案例研究与评论,2013,6(1):43-50
[42] Guo, Yanhong, Wang, Hui, Liu, Wei, Y.(guoyh@dlut.edu.cn).Improved pareto/NBD model and its applications in customer segmentation based on personal informatio[J],International Journal of Database Theory and Application,2013,6(5):175-186
[43] Guo Y., Guo, Y., Faculty of Management, Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China.Dynamic pricing strategies between online and off- line retailers based on switching costs[J],Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations,2013,11(2):64-74
[44] 郭艳红.专家意见真的有价值吗?——基于股票分析师的视角[A],2013,60-71
[45] 郭艳红, 杨小杰, 亚力克, 刘苇.An Empirical Research on Influencing Factors of Microblogging Marketing[J],International Journal of U and E Service , Science and Technology,2013,6(4):91-105
[46] 郭艳红.通识课程建设视角下的《管理学基础》教学改革[J],湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2013,31(6):封3
[47] Guo, Yanhong, Yang, Xiaojie, Ryabov, Yaroslav, Liu, Wei.An empirical research on influencing factors of microblogging marketing effectiveness[J],International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology,2013,6(4):91-105
[48] 郭艳红, 王辉, 刘苇.Improved Pareto/NBD Model and Its Applications in Customer Segmentation[J],International Journal of Database Theory and Application,2013,6(5):175-186
[49] 马特, 董大海, 郭艳红.基于推荐理论的客户分类模型探析[J],科技与管理,2012,14(2):51-54
[50] 郭艳红.P2P网络借贷投资决策模型及实证研究[A],2012,123-128
[51] 郭艳红.微博营销效果影响因素及实证研究[A],2012,43-48
[52] 王日爽, 郭艳红, 董大海.互联网环境下创新信息渠道影响力对比研究[J],科技与管理,2011,13(6):42-45
[53] 马特, 郭艳红, 董大海.客户终身价值前沿探析与未来展望[J],科技与管理,2011,13(6):89-93
[54] 马特, 郭艳红, 董大海.客户推荐价值模型研究探析[A],2011,4
[55] Luo C., Xiong H., Zhou W., Guo Y., Deng G..Enhancing investment decisions in P2P lending: An investor composition perspective[A],2011,292-300
[56] 王日爽, 董大海, 郭艳红.Bass模型在新生活方式扩散预测应用的研究——以中国网上购物为例[J],现代管理科学,2011,8:35-37,116
[57] Ma T., Dong D.H., Guo Y.H..Microblogging users classification and behavior analysis[A],2011,6292-6294
[58] Ma T., Guo Y.H., Dong D.H..Recommendation in customer reference value model[A],2011,126-129
[59] Ma T., Dong D., Guo Y..Conceptual framework and theoretical development on CLV research[A],2011,1165-1168
[60] 马特, 郭艳红, 董大海.客户终身价值(CLV)理论研究述评[A],2010,3561-3566