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- [1]杨晨, 李卓函, 何国建, 闫飞, 邵诚.Target position and posture recognition based on RGB-D images for autonomous grasping robot arm m...[A],2021,65-70
- [2]李驰, 刘一莎, 闫飞, 庄严.Deep Point Cloud Odometry: A Deep Learning Based Odometry with 3D Laser Point Clouds[A],2021,154-163
- [3]Yu, Shikuan, 闫飞, 庄严, Gu, Dongbing.A Deep-Learning-based Strategy for Kidnapped Robot Problem in Similar Indoor Environment[J],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS,2021,100(3-4):765-775
- [4]Wang, Fei, Zichen, 闫飞, 顾宏, 庄严.A Novel Real-time Semantic-Assisted Lidar Odometry and Mapping System[A],2021,44-49
- [5]Yang, Chen, 李卓函, Cai, Zhiwei, Gao, Yanan, Xu, Te, He, Guojian, 闫飞, 邵诚.Traget Position and Posture Recognition Based on RGB-D Images for Autonomous Grasping Robot Arm...[A],2021,65-70
- [6]王栎斐, 边防, 候宝, 闫飞, 郑仁成.基于前沿评估的移动机器人自主环境探索[J],控制工程,2021,27(S0):25-31
- [7]于世宽, 闫飞, 杨文哲, 李晓理, 庄严.Deep-Learning-based Relocalization in Large-Scale Outdoor Environment[A],2021
- [8]Yu, Shikuan, 闫飞, Yang, Wenzhe, Li, Xiaoli, 庄严.Deep-Learning-based Relocalization in Large-Scale outdoor Environment[A],2021,53(2):9722-9727
- [9]吴乃亮, 闫飞, 卜春光.基于视觉里程计的移动机器人三维场景重构[J],华中科技大学学报 自然科学版,2022,z1:337-340
- [10]张雪松, 庄严, 闫飞, 王伟.基于迁移学习的类别级物体识别与检测研究与进展[J],自动化学报,2022,45(7):1224-1243
- [11]段华旭, 闫飞, 庄严, 卜春光.无人车基于双目视觉的同时定位与地图构建[A],第十一届中国智能机器人会议,2022,319-323
- [12]段华旭, 闫飞, 庄严, 卜春光.无人车基于双目视觉的同时定位与地图构建[J],华中科技大学学报 自然科学版,2022,z1:319-323
- [13]李明伟, 闫飞.Design of an objects attitude-measuring system[A],6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,5332-+
- [14]闫飞, 庄严, 王玮.Large-scale topological enviromnental model based particle filters for mobile robot indoor loca...[A],IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2006),2022,858-+
- [15]杨晨, 李卓函, 何国建, 闫飞, 邵诚.Target position and posture recognition based on RGB-D images for autonomous grasping robot arm m...[A],The 10th International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST),2022,65-70
- [16]杨琛, 李卓函, Cai, Zhiwei, Gao, Yanan, Xu, Te, He, Guojian, 闫飞, 邵诚.Traget Position and Posture Recognition Based on RGB-D Images for Autonomous Grasping Robot Arm M...[A],2020 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICIST),2022,65-70
- [17]安毅, 庄严, Hu, Huosheng, 闫飞.Two-dimensional laser-based environment exploration and recognition for service robots[J],TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL,2022,35(8):1068-1084
- [18]Zhang, Xuesong, 闫飞, 庄严, Hu, Huosheng, Bu, Chunguang.Using an Ensemble of Incrementally Fine-Tuned CNNs for Cross-Domain Object Category Recognition[J],IEEE Access,2022,7:33822-33833
- [19]Joseph, Samleo L., Yi, Chucai, Xiao, Jizhong, Tian, YingLi, 闫飞.VISUAL SEMANTIC PARAMETERIZATION - TO ENHANCE BLIND USER PERCEPTION FOR INDOOR NAVIGATION[A],IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW),2022
- [20]闫飞, 庄严, Bai M., 王伟.3D outdoor environment modeling and path planning based on topology-elevation model[J],自动化学报,2022,36(11):1493-1501