• 247
  • 学位:博士
  • 职称:教授
  • 学科:无机化学. 水科学与技术. 功能材料化学与化工
  • 所在单位:化学学院
办公地点:大连理工西部校区化工综合楼 B404


  • 赵亮
  • 张利静
  • 张建军
  • 叶俊伟
  • 杨文博
  • 王玉超
  • 王敏
  • 王慧龙
  • 陶胜洋
  • 史彦涛
  • 任利敏
  • 宁桂玲
  • 孟银杉
  • 李学召
  • 刘艺伟
  • 刘新
  • 刘涛
  • 廖骞
  • 景旭
  • 焦扬
  • 黄瑞
  • 段春迎
  • 安海艳


  • 阮雪华
  • 全燮
  • 刘贵昌
  • 姜晓滨


  • 赵宗彬
  • 张雄福
  • 张春庆
  • 于畅
  • 叶俊伟
  • 严佳
  • 杨建华
  • 肖南
  • 王治宇
  • 王同华
  • 王锦艳
  • 宁桂玲
  • 刘程
  • 李琳
  • 梁长海
  • 黄明亮
  • 陈霄


1988-07至1991-09:沈阳冶炼厂 助理工程师
1999-05- --大连理工大学至今
2001-05至2002-06:爱尔兰都柏林城市大学(Dublin City University)生物技术学院,访问学者。
2005-09至2007-04:爱尔兰都柏林大学(University College Dublin)的水资源研究中心,访问学者。
关注“水溶液化学与新型功能化学品制备及应用”这一领域。通过对水溶液中元素形态分布特征的深入探索,利用离子“记忆识别“和“择晶吸附”理论模型,揭示了水溶液微界面化学环境中优先识别机制,实现了对目标离子专一性识别。结合配位化学基础理论,利用低成本来源广泛生物质原料的非平衡转化构建多元支状氧化物,研发出系列复合氧化物净化功能材料,形成了针对有毒有害污水的精细分离净化技术。围绕社会关心的老工业基地饮用水安全问题,集成现代技术装备,实现低成本高效产业化示范。主持国家自然基金3项、归国基金1项 资源环境领域和海洋领域863计划及企业委托等项目。以发表SCI、EI收录论文过百篇,其中2篇ESI 高引;获20多件授权中国发明专利,多项获得实际应用。


南极磷虾快速分离与深加工关键技术(子课题—“南极磷虾低温酶制剂的开发和副产物综合回收利用技术的研究与南极磷虾脱氟方法与净化装置的研究) 纵向 国家级项目
煤电/煤化工废物协同处理与循环利用技术及示范项目(子课题—水处理功能材料与应用) 纵向 国家级项目
磁性生物粒子的制备与生物特征研究; 教育部留学回国人员启动基金, 纵向 国家级项目
一种用电气石复合催化氧化去除水藻的方法(专利实施转让) 横向 其它
沉钒新工艺开发研究(实验室阶段) 横向 其它
高浓度有机无机混合废水的分离回收新工艺与设备开发 横向 其它
热敏性提取液浓缩工艺设备开发 横向 其它
焦油化工深加工废水处理新工艺开发 横向 其它
一种从锂离子电池中分离回收锂和钴的方法(专利转让) 横向 其它
废弃贝壳资源化处理与利用技术 纵向 市科技局项目

1、 新型铁盐净水剂与矿区污染水水质净化技术,教育部组织鉴定,(鉴字[教CW2015]第001号),2015年4月10日,国际先进。


1. Wei Ma* Fanqing Meng, Zihong Cheng, Xuelong Sha, Gang Xin, Dazhi Tan, Synthesized of macroporous composite electrode by activated carbonfiber and Mg–Ca–Al (NO3) hydrotalcite-like compounds to remove bromate, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 2015, 481, 393-399.
(SCI:000360407700049/EI:20152600966911)( IF:2.83).
2. Wei Ma*; Sha, XL; Gao, LL; Cheng, ZH; Meng, FQ; Cai, J; Tan, DZ; Wang, R, Effect of iron oxide nanocluster on enhanced removal of molybdate from surface water and pilot scale test,Colloids and surfaces A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 2015: 478;: 45-53; (SCI:000354028700007/ EI:20151700777522)( IF:2.83).
3. Wei Ma*; Meng, FQ; Cheng, ZH; Xin, G; Duan, SB, Synthesis of macroporous silica biomass nanocomposite based on XG/MgSiO3 for the removal of toxic ions, Bioresour. Technol, 2015: 186;: 356-359;. (SCI:000353190900050/ EI:20151600743830)( IF: 5.33) (他引:1).
4. Wei Ma* Cheng, ZH; Gao, ZX; Wang, R; Wang, BD; Sun, Q,Study of hydrogen gas production coupled with phenol electrochemical oxidation degradation at different stages, Chem. Eng. J., APR 1 2014. (241) 167-174; (SCI:000333720000019/ EI:20140217189391)( IF: 4.62)(他引:5).
5. Wei Ma*; Lv, TF; Song, XY; Cheng, ZH; Duan, SB; Xin, G; Liu, FJ; Pan, DC,Characteristics of selective fluoride adsorption by biocarbon-Mg/Al layered double hydroxides composites from protein solutions: Kinetics and equilibrium isotherms study. J. Hazard. Materi.,.2014,268; 166-176. (SCI:000333508500021/ EI:20140617282141)( IF: 5.277)(他引:5).
6. Wei Ma*; Zong, PP; Cheng, ZH; Wang, BD; Sun, Q,Adsorption and bio-sorption of nickel ions and reuse for 2-chlorophenol catalytic ozonation oxidation degradation from water, J. Hazard. Mater., 2014.266; 19-25. (SCI:000331687100003/ EI:20140117161178)( IF: 5.277)(他引:9).
7. Wei Ma*, Xiaoyan Song, Yanqiu Pan, Zihong Cheng, Gang Xin, Baodong Wang, Xiaoguang Wang, Adsorption behavior of crystal violet onto opal and reuse feasibility of opal-dye sludge for binding heavy metals from aqueous solutions, Chem. Eng. J., 2012, 193-194, 381-390. (SCI:000306933500044/ EI:20122615157295) ( IF: 4.62) (他引:15).
8. Wei Ma*, Qiang Wang, Ren Wang, Lu Wang, Development of synthetic solid inorganic material as adsorbents of Li and K from the enrichment brine, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2012, 44(1-3), 1-6. (SCI:000304589200001)( IF: 1.17)(他引:2).
9. Wei Ma*, Nannan Zhao, Gang Yang, Liyan Tian, Ren Wang, Removal of fluoride ions from aqueous solution by the calcinations product of Mg-Al-Fe hydrotalcite-like compound, Desalination, 2011, 268(1-3), 20-26. (SCI:000360407700049)( IF: 3.778)(他引:32).
10. Cheng, ZH (本人研究生), Ma Wei*, Gao, LL (Gao, Lianlian); Gao, ZX (Gao, Zhanxian), Wang, R (Wang, Ren), Xu, J (Xu, Jun); Xin, G (Xin, Gang), Adsorption of nickel ions from seawater by modified chitosan,Desalination and Water Treatment , 2014. 52; 28-30..5663-5672. (SCI:000341653300050)( IF: 1.17).
11. Liu, YH (本人研究生), Ma, W (Ma, Wei)*; Cheng, ZH (Cheng, Zihong); Xu, J (Xu, Jun); Wang, R (Wang, Ren); Gang, X (Gang, Xin), Preparing CNTs/Ca-Selective zeolite composite electrode to remove calcium ions by capacitive deionization, Desalination, 2013.326; 109-114;. (SCI:000324973800014) ( IF: 3.778)(他引:5).
12. Tengfei Lv(本人研究生), Wei Ma*,Gang Xin, Ren Wang, Jun Xu, Dongmei Liu, Fujun Liu, Decong Pan, Physicochemical characterization and sorption behavior of Mg-Ca-Al(NO3) hydrotalcite-like compounds towards removal of fluoride from protein solutions, J. Hazard. Materi., 2012, 237-238, 121-132. (SCI:000310257100014/ EI:201224015496066)( IF: 5.277)(他引:12).
13. Zihong Cheng(本人研究生), Zhanxian Gao, Wei Ma*, Qi Sun, Baodong Wang, Xiaoguang Wang, Preparation of magnetic Fe3O4 particles modified sawdust as the adsorbent to remove strontium ions, Chem. Eng. J.,2012, 209, 451-457. (SCI:000311190500052/ EI:20130916075095)( IF: 4.621)(他引:22). ( IF: 3.778
14. Qi Huang(本人研究生), Wei Ma*, A model of estimating scaling potential in reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems, Desalination, 2012, 288, 40-46. (SCI:000301166100006/ EI:20120614749301) Tiangang Wang(本人研究生), Zihong Cheng, Baodong Wang, Wei Ma*, The influence of vanadate in calcined Mg/Al hydrotalcite synthesis on adsorption of vanadium (V) from aqueous solution, Chem. Eng. J., 2012(181-182), 182-188. (SCI:000301087000019/ EI:20120514736746)( IF: 4.621)(他引:6).
15. Zhimin Wu(本人研究生), Zihong Cheng, Wei Ma*, Adsorption of Pb(II) from glucose solution on
thiol-functionalized cellulosic biomass, Bioresour. Technol., 2012, 104, 807-809. (SCI:000301155800112/ EI:20120114658090) ( IF: 5.33)(他引:18).
16. Xiaoyan Song(本人研究生), Yanqiu Pan, Quyin Wu, Zihong Cheng, Wei Ma*, Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by adsorption using ferric sludge, Desalination, 2011, 280(1-3), 384-390. (SCI:000296365800052)( IF: 3.778)(他引:21).
17. Lili Xiao(本人研究生), Wei Ma*, Mei Han, Zihong Cheng, The influence of ferric iron in calcined nano-Mg/Al hydrotalcite on adsorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution, J. Hazard. Mater., 2011, 186(1), 690-698. (SCI:000288102400087)( IF: 5.277)(他引:20).
18. Chen Jiang(本人研究生), Ren Wang, Wei Ma*, Effect of magnetic nanoparticles on Microcystis aeruginosa removal by a composite coagulant, Colloids Surf. A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2010, 369 (1-3), 260-267. (SCI:000283395600037) ( IF: 2.83)(他引:9).
19. Zihong Cheng(本人研究生), Xiaoshuai Liu, Mei Han, Wei Ma*, Adsorption kinetic character of copper ions onto a modified chitosan transparent thin membrane from aqueous solution, J. Hazard. Mater., 2010, 182 (1-3), 408-415. (SCI:000282240800054)( IF: 5.277)(他引:43).
20. Chenghuan Qin(本人研究生), Ren Wang, Wei Ma*,Adsorption kinetic studies of calcium ions onto Ca-Selective zeolite, Desalination, 2010, 259 (1-3), 156-160. (SCI:000279963700021) ( IF: 3.77).
21. Fan, WJ; Liu, XF; Zhang, Z; Zhang, QJ; Ma, W; Tan, DZ; Li, A﹡ , Conjugated microporous polymer nanotubes and hydrophobic sponges, Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2014: 196;: 335-340; (SCI:000340333400041/EI:20142617870119)(IF: 3.365)(他引:3).
22. Dazhi Tan, Wannan Xiong, Hanxue Sun, Zhen Zhang, Wei Ma, Changgong Meng*, Wenjie Fan, An Li, Conjugated microporous polymer with film and nanotube-like morphologies, Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 2013, 176, 25-30. (SCI:000320422400004/ EI:20131916310457)( IF: 3.365)(他引:3).
23. Shengyang Tao*,Chan Wang, Wei Ma, Shuo Wu, Changgong Meng, Designed multifunctionalized magnetic mesoporous microsphere for sequential sorption of organic and inorganic pollutants, Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 2012, 147(1), 295-301. (SCI:000295906200038/ EI:20113814356889) ( IF: 3.365) (他引:30).
24. Wenping Shi ,Shengyang Tao﹡, Yongxian Yu , Yuchao Wang, Wei Ma, High performance adsorbents based on hierarchically porous silica for purifying multicomponent wastewater, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21 (39), 15567-15574. (SCI:000295278000068)( IF: 5.97) (他引:25).
25. Wei Ma, J.M. Tobin,Development of multimetal binding model and application to binary metal biosorption onto peat biomass, Water Res., 2003, 37, 3967-3977. SCI/EI. 他引65次。
26. Wei Ma, J.M. Tobin, Determination and modelling of effects of pH on peat biosorption of chromium, copper and cadmium, Biochem. Eng. J., 2004, 18, 33-40. SCI. 他引76次。
27. Hai-Yan Li, Wei Ma*, Lu Wang, Ru Liu, Lin-Sen Wei, Qiang Wang, Inhibition of calcium and magnesium-containing scale by a new antiscalant polymer in laboratory tests and a field trial, Desalination, 2006, 196, 237-247. SCI/EI. 他引24次。
28. Lu Wang, Wei Ma*, Ru Liu, Hai Yan Li, Chang Gong Meng, Correlation between Li+ adsorption capacity and the preparation conditions of spinel lithium manganese precursor, Solid State Ionics, 2006, 177, 1421-1428. SCI/EI. 他引26次。
29. Wei Ma*, Yaqian Zhao, Lu Wang, The pretreatment with enhanced coagulation and a UF membrane for seawater desalination with reverse osmosis, Desalination, 2007, 203, 256-259. SCI/EI. 他引6次。
30. Ru Liu, Wei Ma*, Cui-ying Jia, Lu Wang, Hai-Yan Li, Effect of pH on biosorption of boron onto cotton cellulose, Desalination, 2007, 207, 257-267. SCI/EI. 他引32次。
31. Wei Ma*, Fei-Qun Ya, Mei Han, Ren Wang, Characteristics of equilibrium, kinetics studies for adsorption of fluoride on magnetic-chitosan particle, J. Hazard, Mater., 2007, 143, 296-302, SCI/EI. 他引104次
32. Zhen Chen, Wei Ma*, Mei Han, Biosorption of nickel and copper onto treated alga (Undaria pinnatifida): Application of isotherm and kinetic models, J. Hazard. Materi., 2008, 155, 327-333. SCI/EI. 他引85次。
33. Ma W*, Zhao YQ, Kearney P, A study of dual polymer conditioning of aluminum-based drinking water treatment residual, J. Environ. Sci. Health., Part A, 2007, 42, 961-968. SCI/EI. 他引3次。
34. Wei Ma, Yaqian Zhao, Lu Wang, The pretreatment with enhance coagulation and a UF membrane for seawater desalination with reverse osmosis, 5th Conference on Desalination Strategies in South Mediterranean Countries. EUROMED,(海水淡化国际会议)2006, 21-25 May, Montpellier, France, (ISTP收录). EI(国际会议)。
35. Lu Wang(学生), Changgong Meng, Mei Han, Wei Ma*, Lithium uptake in fixed-pH solution by ion sieves, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2008, 325 (1), 31-40. SCI/EI. 他引10。
36. Lu Wang(学生), Changgong Meng, Wei Ma*, Study on Li+ uptake by lithium ion-sieve via the pH technique, Colloids Surf. A., 2009, 334 (1-3), 34-39. SCI/EI. 他引10。
37. Linsen Wei(学生), Gang Yang, Ren Wang, Wei Ma*, Selective adsorption and separation of chromium (VI) on the magnetic iron-nickel oxide from waste nickel liquid, J. Hazard. Mater., 2009, 164 (2-3), 1159-1163. SCI/EI. 他引17。
38. Tian Liyan, Wu Quyin, Wang Ren, Fan Dongyuan, Ma Wei*, The equilibrium characteristic of ferric sludge adsorption phosphate, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2009, 11-13 June, 2009. EI/ISTP.
39. Gang Yang, Ren Wang, Wei Ma*, Liyan Tian, Zihong Cheng, Layered double hydroxides for the adsorption of fluoride from aqueous solution, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2009, 11-13 June, 2009. EI/ISTP.
40. Wei Ma*, Shibo Duan, Dazhi Tan, Zihong Cheng, Fanqing Meng, Lei Yang, Xuechao Li, Reuse of concentrated cellulose wastewater: Microwave-assisted synthesis of organic fertilizer with water-retaining property, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,
41. Liyan Tian(学生), Wei Ma*, Mei Han, Adsorption behavior of Li+ onto nano-lithium ion sieve from hybrid magnesium/lithium manganese oxide, Chem. Eng. J., 2010, 156 (1), 134-140. SCI/EI. 他引12。
42. Chenghuan Qin(学生), Ren Wang, Wei Ma*, Characteristics of calcium adsorption by Ca-Selectivity zeolite in fixed-pH and in a range of pH, Chem. Eng. J., 2010, 156 (3), 540-545. SCI/EI.

1 Ma Wei*, Development of lithium recovery from residual liquid using lithium ion sieves and carbon dioxide, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society,2013,245,72-IEC. (SCI: 000324303600662). ISTP:000324303600 662).
2、Ma Wei*, Gao, L.L., Cheng, Z.H., Wang, R., Liu, F.J., Liu, D.M., Pan, Biosorption of nickel ions by modified chitosan from aqueous solutions,Applied Mechanics and Materials,volume 472, issue , year 2014, pp. 835 – 839. (EI:20140517245158).
3、Zihong Cheng, Wei Ma*, Zonghai Wang, Ren Wang, Removal of nickel ions from wastewater by enhanced ultrafiltration-adsorption process, Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2011, 5th International Conference on 10-12 May, 2011. (EI:20112814141504).
4、Xingjian Jiang, Zhihong Cheng,Wei Ma*, Zganxiang Gao, Xuehu Ma, Ren Wang, Removalof Ammonia from wastewater natural freezing Method, International conference on chemical Mateerial and food enginerring, Advances in chemical Material and food Engineering, 2015, 174-177.
5、Huang Qi, Ma Wei*, Han Mei, The preparation and properties of seawater purification and resource recycle function materials, 2011 International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, CEAM, 28-30 May, 2011. (EI:20112414058998).
6、Lin Yanlan, Wang Ren, Ma Wei*, Cheng Zihong, Characteristics of lysozyme adsorption on magnetic Fe3O4/chitosan nanoparticles at fixed pH, 2011 International Conference on Materials for Environmental Protection and Energy Application, 2012(343-344), 909-913. (EI:20114114418005).
7 Ma Wei*, Cheng Zihong, Gao Zhanxian, Liu Fujun, Color detection for some transition metal ions by a modified chitosan transparent thin membrane in aqueous solutions, 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, iCBEB, 2012, 1272-1274. (EI:20124015484937).
