
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:物理学院
- 学科:凝聚态物理
- 办公地点:科技园c座303-2
- 联系方式:qfw@dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:qfw@dlut.edu.cn
[21] 郎佳红, 顾彪, 徐茵, 秦福文, 曲钢.蓝宝石衬底分步清洗及其对后续氮化的影响[J],半导体技术,2022,30(1):57-60
[22] 秦福文, 顾彪, 徐茵, 杨大智.蓝宝石衬底的ECR等离子体清洗与氮化的RHEED研究[J],Pan Tao Ti Hsueh Pao Chinese Journal of Semiconductors,2022,6:668-672
[23] 陈伟绩, 秦福文, 吴爱民, 王文彦.衬底氮化时间对玻璃衬底上低温沉积GaN薄膜结晶性的影响[J],功能材料,2022,11:1836-1839
[24] 刘宝丹, hutao, Wang, Zaien, 刘立钊, 秦福文, Huang, Nan, jiangxin.Microstructure and cathodoluminescence study of GaN nanowires without/with P-doping[J],CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,47(2):207-212
[25] 牟宗信, 李国卿, 秦福文, Huang, Kai-Yu, Che, De-Liang.Model of the magnetic mirror effect in the unbalanced magnetron sputtering ion beams[J],Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica,2022,54(3):1378-1384
[26] 王德君, 高明超, 朱巧智, 秦福文, 宋世巍, 王晓霞.N型4H-SiC ECR氢等离子体处理研究[J],固体电子学研究与进展,2022,29(3):334-338,416
[27] Cai, Chengxuan, Wei, Shengsheng, Yin, Zhipeng, Bai, Jiao, Xie, Weiwei, 李岳, 秦福文, 闫肃, 王德君.Oxygen vacancy formation and uniformity of conductive filaments in Si-doped Ta2O5 RRAM[J],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2022,560
[28] Li, Wenbo, 王德君, Pan, Yan, Yang, Fei, Ling, Wang, Fangfang, 刘征, Xia, Jinghua, 秦福文, Xiaolin, Yongping, Liu, Rui.Passivation effects of phosphorus on 4H-SiC (0001) Si dangling bonds: A first-principles study[J],Chinese Physics B,2022,26(3)
[29] Liu, Bingbing, 秦福文, 王德君.Passivation of SiO2/4H-SiC interface defects via electron cyclotron resonance hydrogen-nitrogen mi[J],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2022,364:769-774
[30] Sun, Yunong, 杨超, Yin, Zhipeng, 秦福文, 王德君.Plasma passivation of near-interface oxide traps and voltage stability in SiC MOS capacitors[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2022,125(18)
[31] Gu, B, 徐勇, 秦福文, Wang, SS.Plasma pretreatment of GaAs substrates and ECR-PAMOCVD of cubic GaN[A],2nd International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes (2nd
[32] 白亦真, 秦福文, 边继明, 赵纪军.Preparation and Characteristics of GaN Films on Freestanding CVD Thick[J],Chinese Physics Letters,2022,27(1):181021-181024
[33] 张东, 白亦真, 秦福文, 边继明, Jia Fu-Chao, Wu Zhan-Ling, 赵纪军, jiangxin.Preparation and Characteristics of GaN Films on Freestanding CVD Thick Diamond Films[J],Chinese Physics Letters,2022,27(1)
[34] 秦福文, 王德君.Publishers Note: Chemical and electronic passivation of 4H-SiC surface by hydrogen-nitrogen mixed pl[J],APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,2022,104(26):269902-269902
[35] Li, Xiaoxuan, 边继明, 王敏焕, Miao, Lihua, Liu, Hongzhu, 秦福文, 张玉枝, 骆英民.Realization of nitride-oxide based p-n heterojunctions with the n-VO2/p-GaN/sapphire structure[J],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2022,77:199-204
[36] Wang, Shuaijie, 秦福文, 白亦真, Zhang, Dong, Jingdan.Impact of the Deposition Temperature on the Structural and Electrical Properties of InN Films Grow[J],COATINGS,2021,10(12)
[37] 尹志鹏, 苏艳, 秦福文, 王德君.Low-temperature re-oxidation of near-interface defects and voltage stability in SiC MOS capacitors[J],Applied Surface Science,2021,31(30):147312-147312
[38] 胡金娟, 马春雨, 王佳琳, 冷超, 秦福文, 张庆瑜.GO/TiO2-g-C3N4纳米复合材料的制备及可见光催化性[J],无机化学学报,2021,36(12):2240-2248
[39] 胡金娟, 马春雨, 王佳琳, 王宁, 秦福文, 张庆瑜.Ag-Ag2O/TiO2-g-C3N4纳米复合材料的制备及可见光催化性能[J],复合材料学报,2021,37(6):1401-1410
[40] Wang, Shuaijie, Zhang, Dong, Bai, Yizhen, Qin, Fuwen, FW (corresponding author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Dalian, Peoples R China..Study on Preparation and Properties of InN Films on Self-Supporting Diamond Substrates Under Diffe[J],FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS,2020,7